2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

That Not Another Teen Movie translation appears to have been done by a French Ben Garrison.

Just checked in for MRI. The nurse hands me the safety screening form to fill out and I say “oh my favorite part, filling out forms” and she says “I’m not going to grade you on it” then launches into a qanon rant about how “teachers aren’t allowed to give students grades anymore, it was on the news this morning”

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Ask for some of her meds, they sound like the good stuff…

Sadly it’s mainlining Facebook and Fox News. No actual drugs involved.


MRI was uneventful, this was the first one for me, when I got out I asked the operator how often people freak out in there and he said “a lot.”

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I had one recently, it’s certainly a weird claustrophobic experience.

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grifter idea:

a search engine that gets rid of all “woke” results like snopes etc.

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Wikipedia is way too woke with all the “facts” and “historical accuracy”. Replace with conservipedia, etc

You don’t even need a team of engineers to build it, just route all requests through chatGPT with a standing order to remove any references to anything related to lgbtq, blm, slavery, diversity, m&ms, social Justice, or anything else that would bother Ron Desantis.

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Reminds me of when a conservative news site tried to auto-edit wire stories that they reprinted:

One word they wanted to filter was “gay.” The site felt that the term put homosexuality “in a positive light,” Jackson said, whereas the evangelical Christian organization was much opposed. So when a wire story referred to gay marriage, for example, the phrase would automatically appear as “homosexual marriage.”

Worked fine until a couple of weeks ago, when an AP report on the site read “Tyson Homosexual easily won his semifinal for the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials.” The story was headlined “Homosexual eases into 100 final at Olympic trials.”


OMFG I can’t stop laughing at this one.

The Moment Today I Realized I Missed WFH

(spoilered for graphic poop story)

I have a lot of stomach issues. I barely notice anymore, but to spare my coworkers, I typically use the downstairs bathroom that’s usually sparsely populated. today, I went upstairs bathroom against my better judgment. I sit down and start spraying, as is usual for me (I have diarrhea most days, they’ve never been able to diagnose why despite 3 colonoscopies now) so I typically open with a flush as it’s coming out, to lessen the stench and stifle the sound. well, as I did that, I felt a weird sensation on my dick, and I look down in horror as the water has risen nearly to my butt. so, I stop mid-spray, which is actually extraordinarily difficult to do but it was all adrenaline, and as I rise, I realize in horror the auto flusher was gonna send all of that diarrhea water flowing out of the toilet with great force, it was one of those high flow power flushers that sound like a jet engine.so it starts coming, me absolutely powerless to stop it, and FLOODS the entire bathroom floor with gross diarrhea water, including the poor guy’s stall next to me and all i could say was “i’m so sorry man” and he just asked “it’s cool, you good?” and i mumbled “yea” and gtfo of there, doing that shitty ass walk when you havent wiped all the way down stairs. as I’m about to sit down and finish, I realize in horror diarrhea water got all over my expensive leather shoes so as i was trying to clean them off i forgot to hold the pressure on my butt and sharted my pants really bad. luckily, i was able to clean up pretty well and it was only like 10 mins til i was done so i just left with no one the wiser. the perfect crime.


Dude I’m sorry you went through that! Reminds me to be grateful that i have a mostly well-functioning digestive system.

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So not sure where else to put this, but there was a bombshell in the Emergency Medicine world Monday. 555 out of ~3000 spots didn’t matched. When I applied, less than 10 unmatched spots was the norm.

A few things played into this:

  1. The class of 2023 were second years when covid hit.
  2. In 2020, demand for ER docs collapsed because people stopped going to the ER. We’re just now recovering from that
  3. In 2021, when these grads would have been 3rd years and deciding what specialty to do, ACEP (basically the largest org of EM docs) released a report that stated we’d have too many ER doctors
  4. New residencies kept opening up, about 200 spots per year more over 5 years.

This has led to a ton of drama. There’s been a loud minority of EM doctors who’ve been very upset about the new residency spots and blaming it for stopping the 10% YOY increases in salary when this was never sustainable. They don’t seem to realize that med students not choosing EM is good for their earning potential. It’s super annoying.

That is a crazy ratio. Is it that a whole bunch of new programs nobody heard of are matching 0/15 or are even more established places not filling?

sorry, 555/3000 didn’t match.

Established places aren’t filling even.

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thanks, I found it more humorous than anything. this isn’t even the worst thing I’ve had happen in a public restroom, but it definitely makes the top 5.*

* having chronic diarrhea means a lot of public restroom usage

Have you looked into fecal transplant? C diff patients can get them. I don’t know otherwise.

I never heard of that but every butt doctor tells me nothing’s wrong with me, or it’s IBS/stress, so I don’t know how I’d go about that.

I don’t know if it’s IBS but I’ve tried food logs, cutting various things, there’s really no rhyme or reason to it