2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


oh like writing down what you eat, I get it now

Have you ever been tested for Clostridium difficile? Find a specialist that is willing to look at your gut biome.

(I’m a microbiologist, not a physician), but the learnings about the biome would at least seem like something to have examined.

A further search comes up with…. Products essentially marketed as probiotics/supplements. No effin clue what to think of those.

c diff isn’t that kind of story typically

My office mates daughter had intensive antibiotics with heavy probiotic doses that seemed to resolve C diff. Again, could be more the mothers perception of what worked. Anecdotal only.

I caught c dif working in a nursing home like 10 years ago and still take probiotics because I’m too paranoid to stop (I doubt there evidence for this but it’s like 20 bucks a month so whatever)

I had severe bleeding on my colon once that landed me in the hospital when I was 19. I dont know if it was c diff but they diagnosed it as colitis. every colonoscopy since came back clean.

it’s more of a mild annoyance anymore, and the days I have really nice bm’s are even more awesome. it’s been going on for over 10 years so like I said I barely notice anymore. it smells like death though, so when at someone’s house it’s a little awkward if I have to go.

Immortality and killer AI both closer than ever!




For consumer-grade stuff, I believe the eGo line, which can be found at Lowes, is generally considered the best bang for your buck, but Ryobi also gets pretty good reviews for their outdoor (and indoor) products.

You need a herd of goats.

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My daughter tested positive for TB when she was probably 3. We had them re-do the test because we were dubious, and they sent her for chest X-Rays. X-Rays were negative, but a second skin bubble test looked positive. She had to take a course of antibiotics that lasted months. By month 3 it was really hard to get her to take them even though the syrup tasted almost like candy. It caused a small amount of drama when she went off to college, mainly because we did a bunch of stuff last minute and the school wanted a different test performed.

Worst recommendation engine ever:



One legacy of the Iraq War that I actually like is we keep getting updates on how the shoe guy is doing.

No way this is a reasonable and enlightening discussion about Renaissance sculpture right

Missing the key point that Rhys Hoskins went down with a non-contact knee injury.

Well it begins, had my hair “gray blended” today to coincide with job search and yeah. I specifically asked for whatever the opposite of the rudy giuliani is. Gen x problems.


Ugh, I never even thought of that while I was looking, I guess I’ll give that a shot if this turns out not to be my last job…

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Yeah, gl. Job hunting sucks.

If you guys want to feel old, remember when this guy was a fresh-faced young rookie?

More or less me minus beard. And stick and ice. Also I’m not a captain.