2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


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Reminds me of the time meme historians tracked down the trolololo guy and told him he was now a global celebrity. What a king.

I don’t know what this is but wow this kid is nailing the vibe


That’s 100% true by the way, Yung Lincoln was a beast.

In the rough and ready style of the frontier, “catch as catch can” wrestling was more hand-to-hand combat than sport. Lincoln, an awesome physical specimen at 6-feet-4, was widely known for his wrestling skills and had only one recorded defeat in a dozen years.

At age 19, he defended his stepbrother’s river barge from Natchez thugs by throwing the hijackers overboard. Ten years later, Lincoln was a storekeeper at New Salem when his boss backed him to out-wrestle Jack Armstrong, local tough and county champion. From the start, Lincoln handed out a thrashing. When Armstrong began fouling, Lincoln picked up his opponent, dashed him to the ground and knocked him out.


Man, CFTOD responding to Disney’s lawsuit in Federal Court by bringing their own lawsuit in Checks Notes Orlando, the city nearly literally built by Disney is a bold move, let’s see how it works out for them.


The best quote:

Motherfucker, that ain’t your house, that’s Walt’s house.

When I look up lignocellulosic composites, basically all of the hits are research papers. I’m having difficulty translating it into actual products that are for sale. Is that because this is a relatively new area with more theory than actual production? I honestly can’t tell, but most of the research hits look very recent. I mean there’s stuff like recycled paper set up in phenolic resins that have been around forever. I can’t imagine that’s the kind of thing the latest research is talking about.

6’4" in the early 1800’s was really really big. It’s really big now ffs.

He almost certainly had some kind of gland or hormone disorder.

I would totally watch a movie about Abe’s career as a frontier wrestle dude.

Have seen old homes where a partially purified lignin product was used for elaborately pressed pattern panelling.

I am completely guessing, but very hot water (above boiling, under pressure?) and some mechanical grinding could wash away a little of the hemi-cellulose leaving a heavy lignin resin fraction that could be squeezed and then dried in sheets on metal plates with the desired pattern.

Is that the general type of thing you are looking for?

So even if desantis somehow wins these suits, doesn’t Disney just abandon Florida? And essentially burn Orlando to the ground in the process? Feels pretty certain other states would be very eager to court that business moving to them.

I know they can just write it off, but that’s a lot of land bought at super cheap rates they’d be walking away from without any kind of replacement in the plans. I don’t think they can just abandon Florida without losing more money than they’d want.

No, Disney has spent billions and billions of dollars in today’s $’s over 50 years to build that place, they’re not abandoning it. But also, Desantis isn’t winning in court. Like, his best chance wasn’t in state court, it was in federal court and maybe drawing an Aileen Cannon type. An elected state court judge in the Orlando area? Good fucking luck.

The thing I’m mainly interested in is the acoustic damping factors of certain substrates, processes, layups, etc. Like here I found a really low-quality paper where they investigate this using VARTM molds to lay up glass fibers vs. flax fibers in resin and compare damping. In fact, even though this paper / journal are of highly dubious quality, Table 3 is exactly the kind of thing I want to know.

I’m actually surprised that they found more damping in natural fibers. That’s different from what I was expecting so now I’ll have to reevaluate. There are probably better papers if I look hard enough. I found some branded products like Trespa panels that I’ll have to look at as well. If it’s not possible to make in my basement or a small shop then I’ll buying it from a manufacturer.

Nuke the Met Gala.

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I… I got nothin

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Lol Disney isn’t trapped in Florida with Ron, Ron is trapped in Florida with Disney. Disney world is one of the least portable things on planet earth… so a massive mega corporation is going to fight a rapidly falling politician like a cornered grizzly bear.

I agree with you, but, counterpoint:


GrandSpartan #4 came today!. Gives a matched set of 2 boys and 2 girls. Heading back to MN in three weeks after the initial chaos wears down.


Only need them to crank out two more and you’ve got yourself a hockey team.

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