2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


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He’s more like Gacey. He used his position of relative power to disappear at risk youth in an area Houston PD didn’t care about. Also a bind/torture kind of killer while Dahmer just wanted an unresponsive body. That’s why Dahmer had the body parts and injected acid into brains to make a human zombie he could use.

Gacey and Corll were more process killers, they got off on the act of the murder. Dahmer was a product killer, he didn’t actually like killing people much at all… he just really wanted unresponsive bodies to use.

Corll and Gacey have other similarities as well. Both had accomplices (although not proven for Gacey it seems likely) and both hid bodies underneath some piece of property they had access to

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You, uh, seem to know a lot about this stuff. :open_mouth:

My familiarity is probably average or below, but I was surprised I hadn’t heard of someone so prolific.

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it can be an interesting (albeit morbid) topic of study. there’s been tons of prolific serial killers since they started being able to track that, that you probably have never heard of - the only reason gacy, dahmer, etc are known is because of how publicized their cases were.

It’s interesting to me because by a huge percentage serial killers are white men.

That dude mentioned up thread though, is easily one of the worst I can think of in terms of how horrible the crimes were. The only other ones I can think of that probably top the list are the toolbox killers (seriously dont look it up).

One of the only good things in my opinion of this tremendous breach of privacy that commercial DNA databases are responsible for is it’s really becoming a lot easier to catch them now.

It’s a myth that there aren’t a proportional amount of black serial killers. Problem is that you tend to kill people within your own social structure, and ain’t nobody care about black prostitutes or black people in general. So lots of those cases aren’t really reported on. Like I doubt you’ve heard of this guy

I really don’t know what the literature says about this but tons of serial killers targeted marginalized people who wouldn’t be missed.

A bit, but the most famous serial killers generally don’t target minorities… or at least not exclusively. There’s definitely a pattern of killing people within your own social group or locality.

And don’t forget all the model making, that must be one of the whitest hobbies

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Totally random thing that’s going to happen: parking garages collapsing. Electric cars are like 1,000 pounds heavier.

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I haven’t really seen it mentioned here, so I assume most of you haven’t seen the Riverboat Rumble, aka the Alabama Boat Brawl, aka the Montgomery Massacre, aka Chairsgiving.

The short version is that some racist white assholes ignored a black guy in charge of a dock and blocked a riverboat from docking, so he moved their pontoon boat. They decided to jump him 2 on 1 with like six other white racists as backup. He was more or less handling two so the other six jumped in. Big time try that in a small town energy.

This was the moment they reached peak levels of fucking around, and it lead to perhaps the greatest finding out event ever captured on camera as like 20-40 black people came racing in to help and kicked some serious ass. One black teenager dove off a boat, swam across the river, climbed up onto the dock, and helped out.

I’m talking white people rag doll tossed into the river and unable to climb out, steel chairs to multiple domes, and the cops standing around watching until a black dude hit a white combatant upside the head with the folding chair. Then they were like allllright this has probably gone far enough, and arrested the white assholes and the steel chair guy and a couple other black people who went in extra hard.

This was captured from multiple angles, and the reaction videos on TikTok are also amazing.


Sounds like a true pair of pliers and a blowtorch situation

lol, everyone on the internet has seen this


Then how is there not a thread about it yet? This is like peak SPE content! Racist assholes getting beat down after some peak FAFOing!

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Your pony should take a riverboat cruise.

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I think there’s not much additional to say about it, and there are just too many incredible memes to share.

Where to? I searched and still don’t see it lol

So I’ve seen like three memes posted elsewhere about a chair and I didn’t know what the referemce was. Have been able to piece it together slowly but still haven’t seen the videos. Heard the racists got taken to a Selma hospital with mostly black drs and nurses and had some choice words about that when they got there. Hope their injuries hurt real bad.

This, I believe, is the authoritative take on the subject:



I had not seen this

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