2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

More like “a piece of shit the morning after 3 convenience store burritos.”


WTF @having baby outside marriage, “divorce” and "unmarried sex
I don’t expect anything from Republicans but come on, Democrats

I mentioned this a couple weeks ago:

It’s good to refresh yourself on those “classic C-SPAN listener calls” every now and then to remind yourself that a vast number of people in this country are much more like C-SPAN callers than they are like us. 80+% of Democrats giving good answers on those questions sounds like the best you can possibly expect out of this country.

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I have been experimenting with diet and supplements since this incident. Started taking a prebiotic and probiotic pill the last 3 weeks. Previously, I’d say I had a “no wiper” maybe once every 6 months and now I’m having them every day. I’m not really big into health supplements, think they’re borderline scam-ish, but these pills and my D3 supplement (I found out I was severely deficient) have felt fairly life changing.

Try a probiotic! They told me for years and I waved it away as hogwash and pseudoscience.

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kashi changed my life, average movement now is like 30 seconds and yes, the wipe improvement has saved me millions of dollars, costco stock was impacted.

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That doesn’t seem possible. That slide isn’t that long and isn’t steep. I don’t get it.

I mean, when he exits the slide he’s literally flying, he doesn’t seem to be on the slide.

Personally I take a probiotic (culturelle) and psyllium (metamucil) with great results, I’m a pretty big fan of probiotics

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Yang is still out there doing whatever this is supposed to be.


It must have something to do with the material of his vest/uniform. Friction must be nonexistent or something.

Fifty years ago today:

This guy was a major league serial killer, seems strange he’s not more well-known (at least I’d never heard of him). Sort of like Dahmer minus the cannibalism. The news coverage presents Elmer Wayne Henley as a victim (or even a hero since he shot and killed Corll) but he was later determined to be an accomplice. Gruesome stuff.

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Yeah that has to be it, once when playing with kids my wife shot out a slide sort of like this but it was normal for me so must had different material clothes. Maybe a business venture making sliding outfits

Man, I don’t know, even assuming zero friction, the length of that slide coupled with how fast he shoots out of it seems impossible.

Obviously a gross simplification/comparison but from a random calculator looks dropping an object from 15 feet up will hit ground at 20 mph, not sure how fast he flew out of there maybe 10-15mph?

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Interesting, I guess thinking about it that way it makes more sense.

The details of these crimes are pretty horrific

I thought this was related to the bowel movement discussion


Yeah I wish I could unread that

Not a popular opinion on an offshoot of a gambling forum, but they really need to ban sports gambling (or just advertising for it), it’s out of control. People don’t know how to control themselves. So many vulture companies trying to get in on the action.

Lukewarm take: All gambling is a societal cancer and things were much better when it was limited to AC and Vegas.