2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Imagine spending $2k a month on cold, old food from shitty restaurants.

My experience with DoorDash really isn’t that bad. Y’all not doing it right

I mean, any takeout, by virtue of it being takeout, is going to end up like luke warm by the time you get it home. The food at those chain restaurants isn’t that great to begin with.

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It’s fine for the customer.

It’s an abomination for everyone else involved.

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Except pizza, Mexican, Chinese, Thai and I’m sure more still work great

DoorDash also pretty good for strip mall sushi. Obviously not Hiro dreams of sushi but if you want some basic American sushi rolls seems delivers just fine




Basically, food that is able to hold its temperature and texture in transit.

This is why I get so puzzled why fast food places (that in my mind) are so reliant on French fries get DoorDashed so much apparently. Like cold/soggy fries for 25 dollars wtf are people doing

Tater tots can be a killer fry substitute that travel well and stay crispy. :vince3:


Yeah, tater tots properly done are a surprisingly great junk food.

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I’ll have to investigate.

I order a lot of DoorDash. I work shifts like 4p-2a shift and cafeteria is closed at 2pm and on weekends.

My favorite right now is this Vietnamese pho spot. They keep the water/soup bits separate from the rest and you mix it together. It’s great

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Also ordering from where he is ordering, is there any combo of food this person can be getting for $65 a day that is not unavoidably over 4k cal total (ie he probs plump)?

True, but he was ordering shit from chain American restaurants.

True, but he’s ordering from sit-down chain American restaurants so that’s probably going to inflate the price considerably.

Yeah, I just meant the type of food he was ordering is not typically the type of shit that is good as take out. (Or in some cases, that is not good at all).

I mean, he spent $3,000 at fucking Chilis. Chilis sucks.

How can I stop these other players from voluntarily putting extra money in the pot blind!


Pretty obvious what happened is Mason was playing in a game with mandatory straddles or a round of straddles, whatever. And he got chastised for being a nit and refusing to straddle.

It’s probably worse. I bet he lost a big pot to some junk hand that was only in because of the straddle and he steamed.

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Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve spent less than $300 at Chili’s in my lifetime, and I don’t plan on crossing that threshold unless there’s literally nothing else.


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