2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Even in the already crappy universe of those chain casual restaurants, Chili’s sucks.

Yeah I don’t really get point of going somewhere like chilis as not really any cheaper than any actual restaurant? Maybe if you in an airport or something and just need something edible

That’s just it, those restaurants aren’t cheap! You can get away better food at that price point in any reasonably sized city.

idk what “normal” restaurants you guys are finding half racks of ribs for $10 but you do you



That’s a full meal… and yes



Are they saying Outside Lands filled up the wireless series of tubes and made their cars stop working? Seems less than ideal that it’s this easy to brick them all due to connectivity issues!

I live near a smallish city. There’s a decent mom & pop chicken & rib shack. I can say with confidence, despite not having eaten there since before Covid, that it is cheaper than Chilis. I can state to a scientific certainty, that it is better.

I will say with sous vide stuff certainly possible Chili’s has latched onto some way to mass produce pretty good ribs so I may need to try as an experiment

I am obsessed with this story. Obvious RWNJ astroturfing. But the idea of a farmer singing folk songs bemoaning fat people on welfare is making my head explode.


I saw this tweet about it:

Matt Walsh: “love this apolitical song”
Real MAGA heads: “lol shut the fuck up it’s about commie pedo Dumbocrats”

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Monty Hall esque thought as I was thinking about one of the tackier gifts you could give some one, a lottery ticket. Say you buy 5 scratch offs and scratch 4 and they are all losers, that last 5th one is technically microscopically more ev now even though when you bought it the odds were the same?

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It depends on how they RNG the tickets.

If each ticket is rolled independently, then no.

If they roll a block of x tickets with y jackpots and you are sure that your tickets are from the same block, then yes. Every other ticket from that block changes EV after each ticket is revealed.

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I’m pretty sure each ticket is independent. Otherwise store owners could game the system by watching the customers.

Don’t think this true at least for the scratch offs with jackpots. I’ve seen signs/disclaimer in gas stations saying tickets can still be sold even after all the jackpots are claimed.



Yup. It’s not exactly the Monty Hall problem, but if I remove a non-ace from the deck, the odds the first card you draw will be an ace just went up a bit from 4/52 to 4/51.

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Following up on this as more articles coming out but it seems a reoccurring theme around the world that a combination of private and governmental aid is most responsive to disasters. I guess the gears of government inherently turn slowly as I’m sure OSHA would have a stroke if the national guard was racing food over on big wave surfing jet skis and had this sort fuel distribution system going but then obviously once government in motion it will dwarf anything privately done. I don’t know much about this stuff, not sure if possible for governments to reliably be immediately agile

‘We Need Some Help Here’: West Maui Residents Say Government Aid Is Scant

Days after the wildfire that destroyed Lahaina, those staying nearby say private volunteers have served as far more of a lifeline than federal and local agencies


I don’t know much about disaster relief, I’m sure it’s a hard problem. But the fact is that we have a dedicated federal agency for this problem. We also have the Red Cross, which is not a government agency but has a special relationship. If these groups are inadequately funded, raise some taxes. It shouldn’t be natural and normal to expect people from across the country to dig into their own pockets and send money and supplies in times of need.

I’m not blaming the people who want to help, obviously that’s natural and should be encouraged. Obviously the more immediate the situation, the more people should be willing to go out of their way to provide all the assistance they can. Things happen fast in an emergency and government help might not be timely. If people are standing on their rooftops in a flood, it’s commendable that those Cajun Navy guys are cruising around in their boats rescuing people.

And I’m not really blaming the media, although they are complicit in perpetuating and normalizing this phenomenon that we should all be donating to disaster relief in the wake of a prominent disaster.

My irritation was more geared toward the hypocrisy and situational willingness of most people to help those in need. Some of those who have literally taken in disaster victims and personally provided them with food and shelter are the same people who would vote down any proposed halfway house or group home within a mile of their neighborhood.

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