2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

uhh warning that the top tweet on his feed if you click through is extremely misogynistic

Do you use the little detergent pods by chance? We went away from them, because we had trouble with the pod material not completely dissolving sometimes and sticking to clothes.

lol anyone that knows him will not be shocked

edit: oh man looks like he’s building EMPIRES.

From flushing kitty litter down the tiolet to the King of detroit: the GREEAR story.

wtf across various websites last week feel like seen articles whining that …. Someone got charged 2 bucks to get a sandwich cut in half while vacationing in Italy? Like how the hell is that news?

Gotta feed the content monkey

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You’ve probably also seen the story about the guy who wanted to stop people from cutting across his yard, right?

It’s so obnoxious how obviously the pushed content bullshit is.

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Lol I’ve not heard of either of those.

Probably hidden behind all the “you’ll never (verb) what (some random thing) did after they (some thing)” garbage push notifications I never click

Yeah home ownership feels like a pipe dream within a pipe dream for me.

I think we’re in it.

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Holy fucking shit at this story

(The convicted nurse murdered babies in a NICU)

Hoooly shit that’s dark :frowning:

Here’s a graphic from the BBC.

Were all the kids poors or something?

No. And while you can’t separate income from any part of health care anywhere, the NICU is probably the closest place. There’s other stories like this where people got away with it for longer and higher body counts, but it was adults involved.

Fact is that you are incredibly vulnerable in a hospital, and nurses are the ones typically actually giving meds. It’s not particularly hard to kill anyone with a dose of IV insulin, which is what I think what was going on here. Ditto for many other meds.

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In my work in dialysis, I probably give 30 meds a day by IV push…. Right into a little port on the machine tubing, straight into their blood circulation.

There’s a story of a nurse who killed people by intentionally pushing bleach.

There’s bleach everywhere in our clinic, it’s how we clean the machines.

Really fucked up to think about.


Matt Damon GOAT


“Maybe youre a shitty cameraman”

Dude is so real. His hot ones interview was a good watch.


A little surprised to see Riverman post this about the “fortune favors the bold” guy :leolol:

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So I don’t have twitter and therefore sound doesn’t work anymore (thanks elno!). But I found this from 12 years ago. Seems like Anderson Cooper was more relaxed back then.

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There’s a story of a nurse who killed people by intentionally pushing bleach.

Yes but notice how none of them had Covid.

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I came across a rather fluffy/clickbait type article today, read it anyway, and then realized we’ve got an ER doc (@CaffeineNeeded) here, as well as some other medical professionals (@Surf, @TJ_Eckleburg12, maybe more)…

I was curious about a couple things:

  • How well do these “top four” match up with what you see in your practice?
  • What would you add as “don’t do this” activities, based on frequency in the ER?