2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice


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This coukd be rewritten as “4 things people who aren’t idiots won’t do”. Doesnt take beign an ER doc to know that mowing your lawn barefoot, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and playing with explosives are three bad ideas. As for boating safety, that’s a whole other issue. So many idiots on the water.

I will never:

  1. Get on a motorcycle
  2. Use any firework really
  3. Let my kid play football

The don’t mow your lawn barefoot is lol, like yeah no shit.

ER docs are known for being outdoorsy and extreme sports fans. I think I would be more if my wife didn’t have such mobility issues

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Can confirm I’d never get on a motorcycle.

I was one of those dumb ass teenagers who grew up playing with fireworks. Looking back it was definitely pretty dangerous.

An orthopedist I know says he would never let his kids go to a trampoline park, or have a trampoline at home. Says he sees a ton of ankle/fibula fractures from them

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Same for me

Private equity has been doing this for years now.

Didn’t read the article, but holy shit people mow their lawn barefoot? Why?!?

feels better

While I agree mowing your lawn barefoot sounds stupid, but what are the risks actually? Any contact between your foot and the lawnmower isn’t going to be seriously improved by wearing some sneakers or any but the most serious of boots which I doubt any of us have.


Would that be due to the age of the kids? Otherwise, it seems like trampoline shouldn’t be harder on the ankle/fibula than basketball, gymnastics, volleyball, etc.

Definitely not true. Every bit of damage that gets done to those totally destroyed shoes would have happened probably and then some to your flesh. Shoes vs no shoes is probably the difference between your foot is a bit scarred up and your foot was never remotely the same again.

Personally I think the solution if mowing the lawn barefoot feels better (wouldn’t know I pay people to mow my lawn) is to do that but be fucking careful? A lot of ‘accident prone’ people actually just don’t think about what could go wrong every second of every day of their lives. They should definitely wear shoes. I spend every moment calculating the risks of every situation I’m in, that’s a mild anxiety disorder which is better than shoes for avoiding the ER thank you very much.

I have never been to the ER as an adult. I realize that’s mostly luck but it’s also the result of being very risk avoidant.

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This is one I wrestle with… I’ve had a motorcycle for almost 20 years and really enjoy it, but I know it’s dangerous. My wife’s dad, a radiologist, says that their nickname for motorcycles is “donorcycles.”

I wonder though how much of the increased risk comes from being dumb, like racing/stunting, drinking and riding, not wearing a helmet and other protective gear, etc.

Personally, I do what I can to make bike riding as safe as possible:

  • Keep the bike in good mechanical shape, including all the lights and horn.
  • ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time), including high-visibility stuff.
  • Obey the law/drive predictably.
  • Don’t drink and ride.
  • Ride like everyone is out to kill you.

But I’ve still had some close calls, with people pulling in front of me and pulling into my lane being the most common incidents.

Considering all that, am I still dumb to get on a bike on public roads?

Lol at mowing in bare feet come on

We had those big yard trampolines in the neighborhood growing up and did some very stupid shit on them. They also didn’t have the safety net things that i see now, just a big open trampoline. But we did a lot of activites that could have resulted in injuries. Somehow I’ve gone through life without ever breaking a bone (at least that I know of).

My sister works at an orthopedic surgery and rehab clinic and says she’s seen tons of achilles injuries from pickleball, probably skewed towards old people though.

Can confirm motorcycles and ATV’s. Also strokes, heart attacks, and being old. Less obvious ones are ladder falls and tree work.

Ha ladders terrify me. Will never hang Christmas lights on the second floor

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plus who has ever run over their own foot?

proud barefoot mower here

Yeah personally for me my never stuff is pretty obvious stuff, never motorcycle, never go above waist high on a ladder, never use cellphone while driving and (obviously) never drive or get in a car with someone who has been drinking. I also never ride bicycle on roads where I’m heavily reliant on cars to make good decisions, either am on a path or roads with low enough limits that I could take my own evasive action.

I do shoot off fireworks a couple times a year as it’s a lot of fun, obviously would not be fun if I ended up hurt

Dont yet get horrible grass stains on your feet doing this? I have a specific pair of mowing/yard work shoes so I don’t get green stains on any of my normal shoes

I dunno. I am usually barefoot if not working

I’m not pro barefoot mowing I’m just thinking shoes aren’t that mower proof.

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