2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Brag: Daughter is way above 99%tile for height at 1 year
Beat: 5 shots today means she’s going to be pissed all day
Double beat: nap delayed because of doctors appointment
Triple beat: Guaranteed to watch cinderella today
Variance: May or may not get called in to work at 6am at the last second tomorrow

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BTW as someone who has watched the first 28 minutes of cinderella approximately 50 times, the movie isn’t that bad. It’s made in 1950 so the visual affects blow. The gendered language used by the mice is a little cringey but not that bad. The music is pretty solid with “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” (solid lullaby too) and “Sing Sweet Nightingale”. I think the kiddo likes it because there’s ALWAYS some sort of music going on. Even when it’s dialogue there’s still music.

Also, I didn’t realize that Cinderella apparently didn’t know she was dancing with the Prince at first? Weird af.

You sir, need to take your daughter to DisneyLand/World to meet Cinderella.

We will start off with land (I’ve never been but it’s so much closer) but she’s waaaay too young. Once she graduates from needing two naps per day to one consistently I’ll consider it.

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Cute as a button all day. Goblin mode at 9pm. Just got into bed now about 11p my time, usually down at 9-9:30.

Also got called into work at 6am. Cant wait.


My reaction from reading headline was “This will set a bad precedent”. After reading what they did, “oh yeah screw them”.


I feel like I’m looking at an x-ray of an owl where they’re just this tiny bag of bones surrounded by a ton of feathers. Like, this ugly archipelago is a continent?!

edit: for comparison:


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That’s like a younger version of the Brimley/Cocoon line.

oh my god these fucking crybabies


Rod Steiger was 42 in Heat of the Night.

Oof, that’s rough.

Brag: my 10 week old daughter is consistently in bed between 6 and 7 pm and only wakes up once during the night to eat.


That’s awesome! I complain but my girl is pretty damn good about sleeping just tends to get cranky after shots. She sleeps well once she’s down too

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this cousin situation may have been a bad idea. I know he’s essentially feral but I’ve got exactly one charger in this house and he somehow doesn’t have one, so to be nice I put it in the common area, which would be fine if it didnt keep disappearing into his room. I’m about to ask for the third time to leave my charger in the common area or he needs to buy his own. it’s impossibly strange to me to have to even do this at all, let alone ask another adult more than one time, but three?

trying to be extra patient given his shitty situation but that’s a bad sign to me.

Probably will feel less frustrating if you don’t think of him as an adult


that’s true. I am kind of already, 19 is essentially a child, although he’d be extremely pissed if you said that to him. so would I at that age though.

one thing I worry too is he walks everywhere but this neighborhood isn’t safe at night, I told him like 40 times but he thinks it’s fine. there was a murder fairly recently near me. I’d feel better if he at least used a skateboard but nope, won’t use mine and I’m not buying him a bike (get the feeling he wouldnt use it)

people ask me all the time why I’m voluntarily childless, THIS is why

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I’m no expert but I’d probably start by asking him if he knows where it is and why it keeps moving. He’s probably just engaging in thoughtless and selfish behavior. This is I guess standard for that age, but in his case it may be exaggerated based on being on his own, basically in survival mode, for so long. It seems like it would be reasonable for him to have a deficit of empathy and consideration for how his actions impact others. Maybe a teachable moment or at least an opening to talk about expectations and boundaries going forward.

Is it possible he’s testing you, some kind of power play? It wouldn’t be my first guess, but you mentioned “feral” and some kids learn to be calculating and manipulative out of necessity.