2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Update: it’s bad!

What a life. Guy made billions and endeavored to give it all away. He succeeded. Gave away $8 billion, leaving himself $2 million for ages 89-92.


And you said that all billionaires were evil sociopaths!

He died broke so obviously became good again

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Not knowing much about this dude, it’s good he gave away the money, but saving a few mil on your own terms isn’t some sort of sacrifice. If he put himself on like a $1200 a month UBI + social security, then I guess I’d be impressed.

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lol that’s certainly a spicy take


God I fucking hate night shifts. Just destroy me for 48 hours.

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Is there anything more annoying than shitty work software that doesn’t fucking work?

Salesforce and Workday both absolutely suck ass.

salesforce in particular is megatilting because they make trillions of dollars and absolutely zero of that has been invested in improving the product, it’s essentially exactly the same as the first time I used it 100 years ago

Workday used to tilt the shit out of me. I don’t even remember why, but I remember hating everything about it. iirc just navigating to a specific page took 25 clicks through 90s era interfaces of dumb icons. Current job uses UKG and it’s so much better.

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Want to enter a lead? Oh sorry you didn’t enter the entity name 5 screens ago, fuck you!

Lol: Microsoft Lobotomizes Bing’s Image Generating AI


wtf is going on with his left arm

Lol, didn’t notice that.

Dreamt all night about a child murder victim I took care of… going to be a bad kind of day.


I have those nights as well. Those autopsies were horrible.

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Whenever I ask patients who are first responders about their worst calls, they rarely mention car accidents or other gruesome scenes.

They usually talk about a case involving a dead child.

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It’s different. You get numb to dead adult bodies. You never get numb to dead kids. I dealt with some pretty gruesome adult homicides and none of them were as bad as the dead kids who were beaten to death.

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Yeah these are the ones who stick out. This one was especially bad because it was my first as a fully independent attending, and I essentially ran a resuscitation with zero hope of success explicitly because I suspected mom of murdering the child… and there was another baby with her. I used the resuscitation as a distraction to call security to make sure mom/baby didn’t leave. The baby had a femur fracture, which is 100% abuse.

Mom and boyfriend left in handcuffs.