2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Jman you sure you didn’t eat the wrong gummy bears at the conference


wtf is this fortune cookie fortune LOL

Made you think tho

Costco has an Atari emulator for $80 that is every Atari machine I never had growing up…. Those bastards

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“The woman will receive a separate $300,000 from her insurance company”

What kind of insurance is this?


Yeah that’s complicated. On the one hand that’s obviously discriminatory… on the other hand I am terrified of what is probably happening in coed drivers training operations at the big training carriers.

I cannot stress this enough these are not super duper well run companies with a record of caring a whole lot about the long term health and safety of their employees. These are some of the largest full truckload carriers in America and their basic business model is essentially indentured servitude in exchange for truck driving school for new drivers made possible by being large enough to be self insured… because no actual insurance company is going to insure new CDL drivers period.

I do not for a second think that if the military can’t get their shit together on sexual misconduct CR England or Fedex Freight can.

So that’s almost certainly why this company had a policy to only allow people to train the same sex as them. It’s because men, in general, tend to be kinda rapey… and to say that being in the cab of a semi truck with that other person for company for weeks at a time is a risky situation to create for a random woman with a random man? Large understatement.

Yeah I have no idea how to solve that puzzle. None at all.

And yes I think the reason there aren’t vastly more women in the career is that it involves being alone in your truck most of the time. It involves eating/showering at a truck stop and then spending the rest of your time at that truck stop in or around your truck in the company of pretty much only men. Every female truck driver I have ever known had tons of incredibly creepy stories.

Trucking barely pays well enough for men to do the job with a much lower risk (although it’s very much not zero, it’s a muuuuuch riskier job than being a cop). If I was a woman I would need to be pretty down on my luck to think trucking was a good choice. I would probably have a gun on me at all times and know how to use it.

I don’t either, but I know the answer cannot be to exclude women from those spaces.

Chemical castration for all truckers with testicles. Solves the problem and probably makes the road safer for everyone as well.

Don’t like it? We’ll give your job to a woman. Or an autonomous tractor (coming soon in any case).

Taking a moment to pontificate on a Poor Sporting League Choice:

The details are somewhat murky but it sounds like the NHL is totally walking back stuff like players wearing special jerseys for Pride Night, because a small number of players are shitheads so that means they don’t want people to have nice things:

Sounds like a hard case. Wonder if it will stand up in court.


Boner pills are illegal? C’mon, man.

we used to have a country

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Sounds like the dude was trafficking Viagra to Boomers too dumb to figure it out how to just buy it online.

I’m assuming if they were his own personal recreation, they would have left him alone. But that’s just an assumption.

15 posts were split to a new topic: Israel Palestine Conflict 2023

Every job I’ve ever had has been full of women with incredibly creepy stories. Trucking no different than anything else.

I live in Alaska, have had a CDL for 20 years, haven’t used it in 5 years but it’s always crazy to me the stories of how truckers make so little money in the lower 48. CDL up here is a guaranteed $150K a year if you are willing to work, 70-80K if you just want to work 6 months during construction season and take the other 6 off.


Ainsley update! She’s 1 month old and out of NICU, into the intermediate care nursery. Off the cpap, and learning how to suckle/feed herself. Almost 4 lbs now.

And she loves her dad!


That’s amazing and wonderful. Will you be around her growing up? There’s nothing parents need more than somebody who can occasionally take over for a couple hours. For your side it’s great to see the growth.


Look at that gummy smile!


My sister and I are both relatively close. They live in the Bay Area, I’m in San Diego and she’s in Vegas (for now).

My sister has more flexibility than I do and she’s already looking for a job up there.

I have a feeling I’ll be putting a lot of miles on the car, though if I can find a decent job working with the state legislature, I could justify splitting time up north.

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I don’t care you are, that’s a good looking pen!