2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

Sorry you had to see that. My wife had a day of clinicals in a facility for kids who needed long-term/permanent care. Many of them were abandoned there by their parents once they had a healthy child. That hit her pretty hard, the stuff with kids is just heartbreaking.

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I’m actually surprised by that, I think it’s suboptimal strategy from a prosecution standpoint. I always had my detectives first try to voluntarily bring in the mom/boyfriend/whomever. Much easier to get them talking when they don’t know that they’re.a suspect. They don’t need to know the fact that they’re not leaving, and the handcuffs aren’t usually necessary for safety purposes.

They interviewed them in the hospital for like 2-3 hours and admitted they did it to the kid to me (in a softer way). I’m guessing they said more in front of the cops.

Serious question @CaffeineNeeded what are you doing about the almost inevitable PTSD you’re getting from your job? I know it’s not exactly an occupation where seeking mental health help is a good idea.

Kinda feel like you gotta be thinking about it at least a little bit from a self preservation point of view.

I married to a psychologist who I’m very comfortable being vulnerable with.

Also do some therapy.

It was pretty weird for me to have a dream about this kid. I think about him every once in awhile, but it’s not common.

As for trauma… I have my own way of dealing with things. I usually give myself about 15 minutes to an hour to feel bad on shift, then keep as busy as I can immediately afterwards. It’s worked pretty well for me

Friendly warning whenever you’re ‘done’ with the ER doc experience you may have some pretty significant after shocks. It can be really hard to tell how hard you’ve been hit while you’re still getting hit on a regular basis.

Just be careful PTSD is no joke. Also at least from what I’ve seen in others and experienced in myself it tends to delay a lot of its most serious consequences for ‘after’ the event is over. In your case I’m not sure when that is, just make sure you’re actually processing stuff and not just bottling it up. Trust me that doesn’t go super super well.

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Also while things can get super bad and exciting in the ER, 99% of the time is boring bullshit, at least to me. Even to normal people, the vast majority of my day is telling people they aren’t dying, with the worst diagnosis being telling someone having appendicitis.

The thing that actually gets me the stress of missing something. I’ve yet to knowingly have someone die because of my mistake, but that will happen eventually. That’s what I fear most

Ah, that makes more sense then. Also, congratulations, you’re about to get subpoena’d for grand jury. The ER docs were always some of my best witnesses, I ended up with close relationships with a lot of them.

doubt it, happened long enough ago that I’d be super surprised.

I did just narrowly miss being confessed to in another case, but the details of that one are widely reported so I can’t talk about it without violating HIPAA. We all kind of kidded around with the resident who was confessed to in the CT scanner.

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Holy shit





This one also going to cost $5k/mo?

It’s already on market, Goodrx says 1k/month

This will create real competition between the two, it’ll get cheaper faster because of it.

Any data yet after the drug stops (apologies if I’m misinterpreting the above, I think this is continued use of the drug).

longer term stuff remains a question mark

I need to lose 20-25lbs. Think I’ll sit on the sidelines for now.

