2024 LC Thread #1 - Elder Fraud Advice

More on the lol realtors trial and fallout:

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Really interesting evidence from the Google trial.


Is that an actual holiday?

Made you look.

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Every time


lol of course he was

Wow major worst guy makes good point energy here


looks like the post was deleted so he may have thought better of it

what was the deleted post

Bob Knight was a piece of shit by Jonathan Chait

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Is the tweet deleted or is Twitter just broken? (It doesn’t say deleted, just gives an error for me)

The piece is still up:

There is a valuable norm against speaking ill of the recently deceased. But Knight was expressing his hope that his death would not bring about a cessation of hostility, that the things that divided him from those who hated him would not be set aside. And so, in accordance with those wishes, let me say that Knight was a dreadful human, a grotesque model of twisted masculinity, and he should be remembered as a symbol of wickedness.


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Holy fuck have you all priced paint recently? A gallon of Sherwin Emerald interior is $85.49. Even the cheap stuff at big box is double what I remember it being less than a decade ago.

Bob Knight was a piece of shit. I approve that message.

No but I went to buy a gallon at a SW store a few weeks ago and I brought in the label from the previous can to match. It was purchased by a painter who did my house. The clerk was really insistent on getting that contractor’s information and I was like bro this paint is for me, can I not just buy a gallon of paint on my own? How much can it cost, $10? I got charged $36 for it so I assumed it wasn’t even much of a discount so thanks for the perspective.

Also since I had googled a lot of paint stuff recently I’ve noticed SW is pretty much always running a 40% off sale, so try to catch one of those.

yeah paint is a giant ripoff and if you buy the cheap shit you will die of lead poisoning

Also in more lol realtors news the CEO of the national association of realtors (top 3 lobbying group in the country) just resigned. Can we do car dealers and the NADA next, what a rehabilitation for LOL LAW

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Are they still doing those 40% off sales? I figured those were dead given all of the supply problems they’re having. I’m not sure their paints are good enough to justify these prices either way. SW is on a lower tier than Benjamin Moore and maybe not even better than some of the Valspar offerings (which SW now owns).

I need flat so that Valspar is the best deal at $40/gal but that seems to be double what it used to cost a few years before covid. Also some paint pros on forums are saying the quality of all of these paints has gone since post pandemic. I dunno if that’s true but highly plausible since there’s a raw materials / supply chain issue.

I had overly strong opinions about the optical industry but this consensus of paint being a rip off is a real hot take to me. I think I had to buy a gallon a few months ago and it was around $30. I don’t know what is wrong with the cheap stuff. There’s not really lead in it. Looks fine to me

that’s because the lead vapor has already fucked up your brane

win / win

my existence has been slightly more blissful these days