2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo


LOL Grandpa having trouble reading the teleprompter now


Sure thing Grandpa, let’s get you back to bed.


It’s definitely not a cult.


Ridin with Biden!

Soooo still a chance Pelosi could get Joe to step down?



I gotta be honest I can’t take people who say they’re going to vote D for Senate but also vote for Trump seriously. OK sure some people, including people ITT, will do that shit in safe blue/red states (which to be fair is most of them) but I have a hard time seeing a meaningful number of people doing that anywhere that matters.

From where I’m sitting it looks like Biden has a pretty decent chunk of equity. The only negative data point there even is for Biden’s reelection is polls that say he’s running massively behind his parties other candidates… Trump is legitimately very scary and fear is a powerful motivator. Every non poll data point has Biden absolutely waffle crushing in November.

The economy is awful for everyone in the bottom 60% but that’s a decades old trend the top 40% is personally doing mostly fine+ and that is a sizable majority of the usual pool of voters. Abortion is a disastrous issue for the GOP now and probably forever.

It’s definitely not as bad as it seems in this moment right now. Yes it would be bad if the election was tomorrow but it isn’t. Trump is going to execute at least 20 Trump style major fuck ups between now and election day. The man is a public pedophile lunatic who got no polling bump from getting shot at. Getting a bunch of American’s to make the obvious business decision of choosing boredom over insanity at the polling booth is pretty easy.


I would take Nancy in 4 years at 88 over Biden now. People age differently. Charlie Munger was better at 90 than Biden is now by a mile.


I mean there was the windowless dorm thing and Charlie loved what he did and never had to compromise anything ever really… but yeah. That was a very sharp damn near 100 year old guy. Even the amount he was out of touch was probably more because of money than age which is kinda nuts.

Most stunning politics related example to me is Fauci vs Biden. Like Fauci is probably still one of the best in the world to discuss a lot of stuff off the cuff, age has impacted them completely differently

So anyway


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I continue to be shook by reports of Pelosi campaigning for Biden’s removal. There’s mass graves of people who opposed her at this point. Only thing that makes me think it’s less dangerous (for my bets) is that it could be a principle play from her late into her career.

Polling continues to improve!

Just wait til Trump starts running ads with Biden at the debate, fucking up Zelensky/Putin, etc. They’re holding back until he’s the nominee so that they can run against him and not someone else.

That awful swing state polling? Biden’s been dropping millions on the airwaves there basically unopposed.

Now hold on, we haven’t seen the unskewed version of this poll yet.

Attack ads aren’t going to be worth shit for Trump. Attack ads are for our team this cycle with the sole goal being to fill in the gaps the media has left on the real Trump situation.

Look I certainly get where everyone is coming from in this thread, but the Trump show has taken back over the narrative already despite Joe confirming that he’s actually senile. If the Democratic Party actually shows up on election day and says ‘what are you going to do vote for actual hitler?’ that might genuinely work.

I also think this GOP national convention is fucking awful for retaining anyone within eyesight of the fence. The racists are upset because he’s suddenly pandering to brown people, the prudish anti abortion people are upset about the porn star, the all I want is a tax cut guys are upset about JD Vance…

I think DJT is more than capable of fucking this up. He’s one of the biggest fuck ups who ever lived. His whole life his absolutely insane ability to fumble the bag has been in competition with the largest horseshoe that has ever entered the anus of any human being in history.

I think this situation is so weird it defies our ability to predict what’s going to happen next so I’m going to go dissociate into a hobby until it’s time to robotically vote and immediately get blackout drunk on election day.

ftr i also don’t believe this


I simply do not believe we live in a world were Texas is in play for the Senate but Trump is winning Virginia while Virginia senate is safe for Dems.

People hate Rafael, seems like a pretty plausible result to me. He won by < 3% last time against lol Beto. Granted 2018 was a much better year for the Ds than 2024 will be but I could see him running a couple points behind DJT while also being in 0 actual danger of losing.

yes, BUT, he’s been VERY disciplined the last few weeks. he’s kept his really crazy insane rants to places nobody is looking (truth social and rallies) and he basically kept his mouth shut after the debate and let biden dig his own hole, he’s been very measured in general about not saying the quiet part out loud lately.