2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Debate Night - Walz vs Weirdo

“I’ve been standing for a long time, so let me close with this…”


Biden thinks he can put this issue to bed with a bunch of speeches, it’s never going to work. Every public appearance is going to get scrutinized for signs of senility.

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Even these little asides, which may be jokes, are going to kill him if he stays in the race.


Pretty good summary of the situation, with some people saying he’s still able to do the job but more people saying he probably can’t. Notably, G7 leaders are concerned. Five reporters contributed, citing 21 sources.


President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person ever to hold the office, has displayed signs of accelerated aging in recent months, said numerous aides, foreign officials, members of Congress, donors and others who have interacted with Biden over the last 3½ years, noting that he moves more slowly, speaks more softly and has moments when he loses his train of thought more often than even just a year ago.

“The impression was, we don’t see him being able to run the country for four more years. How are you running this guy for four more years? How are you going to win this election?” said Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, who was familiar with several leaders’ reactions. “It’s very, very rare in a democracy that the person you run for an election is someone that you all know can’t lead the country for four more years.”

While addressing a crowd on the White House lawn during a commemoration of Juneteenth last month, Biden briefly became unintelligible, as he slurred his words before regaining his footing and completing his speech. At a White House meeting on reproductive health in January, Biden directed the crowd’s attention to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, who the president said was “sitting” in the room — but it was actually Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The two Cabinet secretaries do not look alike; Mayorkas is bald, while Becerra has a full head of hair and wears glasses.


lol, I sure hope that’s an unrelated photo and this isn’t “Joe Manchin and Krystyn Synymy to the rescue!”

What year is it again?


lol straight up posting Republican edits now are you?




Yeah but if people connect to this stuff so easily then he clearly no longer a viable candidate, it doesn’t matter if it right or wrong he just can’t win

Sure but that’s not really an excuse to breathlessly post obvious bs here as anything more than “hey this is obvious republican propaganda”. Cw is posting that clip as if it gives some sort of actual insight into Bidens capabilities or how that speech went. That’s dumb

Highlights and clips from the speech.


If he can’t win he needs to be forced out even if its propaganda

I understand that, that’s still not an excuse to repeat garbage level edits to support your argument that he is senile

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FWIW, I don’t think he’s senile. I also think if he stays in we’re looking at a Reagan level defeat.

Like, this entire Biden is senile thing was predicted perfectly by Dr Who 15 years ago:

Doesn’t change the fact that Biden needs to get out.


I think the real explanation is they want to push Biden out ASAP and give us a shot at salvaging an election, that should be applauded given the circumstances

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I wanted Biden to drop out, and for us to nominate the best ticket possible. It’s obvious now Biden isn’t dropping out, and if he were we’d nominate the worst replacement possible.

Based on this, CN is probably right that we should start acting more like the cult on the right for the next few months. Everything dear leader Biden does is perfect.