2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Is Dementia Don Melting Down?

Trump definitely doesn’t believe the polls at all. The guy is spiraling. This is what narcissists do when their bubble gets popped they set fires shut down and spin until nobody is paying attention to them flaming out anymore.

EDIT: The more I think about her going on Rogan the more I think it’s brilliant. The one thing I can say for sure is that almost exactly 0% of his listeners have ever listened to Kamala Harris talk in a continuous way for >1 minute. They have been told she’s an r* DEI product who has never accomplished anything, and is above all a bumbling idiot. It wasn’t super smart (even if it worked too well) vs Biden because you set the bar very low. Kamala IRL is none of those things, in fact she’s actually very charismatic.

Going on Rogan isn’t so much about getting those guys to flip, although I think some of them are so blah politically that if she flipped Rogan (which might be available if he thinks that’s what’s best for his career) they would vote for her after supposedly hating her, but about making them way less pumped to turnout for Trump.

I thought we should for sure send Tim Walz in there, but we can probably get more from Rogan if we send Kamala, and it’s a big enough audience that we should be doing it the most impactful way we can.


Not sure what is encompassed in each “day” announced but startig with day 4 it’s been 162 —> 189 —> 228 on day 6. No idea how holidays/weekends factor if you expect a huge day once a week when they get added or something

What a fucking weird timeline. Imagine someone told you 15 years ago that the election to keep America from falling into a fascism might come down to the Fear Factor guy interviewing The Apprentice guy and other candidate on his podcast. :harold:


He’s just old dude

SNL doesn’t even have to add jokes to shit like this.

So as the adult child of a narcissist I know exactly what’s going on here. Narcs love martyrdom. Their favorite parts of the New Testament are all Easter related. Nothing makes them harder than imagining a large group of people imagining what it will be like without them and being sad about it.

They all want to go out like Jesus or literally any other Mel Gibson character ever. That video is just Trump getting what he wants to get out of a large crowd of people because he thinks he’s reaching the end of the road and wants a massive massive pity party.

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So my wife had a patient call her in last night and say, “I have a question, I have a question!!” and get very serious. So my wife is standing there expecting something important or medical in nature, and the lady goes, “Did you know I have a Trump bra?”

My wife looks at her trying to figure out if she really just said that, and asks her to repeat it. “Did you know I have a Trump bra?”

My wife is like, “A what?”

The lady says it again. My wife plays dumb and asks what the word is she’s saying before bra. The woman goes, “THE PRESIDENT! TRUMP! My husband gets so turned on when I wear it!”


These people are so weird. I had a client proudly tell me she has multiple Trumpy Bears.

There are other cases pending (like over the state board of elections rule that election officials can do their own fraud investigations before certification) as mentioned in the article, but this is a good start

NYT: Local Officials Cannot Refuse to Certify Election Results, Georgia Judge Rules (gift link)


Media: why won’t Kamala talk about policy


Donnie’s having himself a day…




LMAO Trump admitted he threatened to fire Jerome Powell if he didn’t cut rates, and that this caused him to drop the rates too much and overheated the economy.


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He’s doing a rally at MSG lol… Kamala should get supporters to buy tickets, pose as Trump supporters, and then walk out about 5-10 minutes into his speech. Leave the Mad King ranting to a half empty arena.

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Trump actually liking music makes him human and I am not comfortable with that.

All this and yet Nate has it at 50/50. Fuck all the forecasts - they aren’t right.

Honestly… the level of fear this being 50/50 is inflicting on anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun is probably pretty good for voter turnout. Meanwhile on the right if you’re feeling soft you think maybe he doesn’t need your vote that bad because it’s close.


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