2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

Think this is fine for us, use 200 million to play the best clips in the states that matter

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Seems fantastic result for a day later imho

yeah just keep playing “they’re eating the dogs” and “I got involved with the taliban” on repeat

Interestingly read awhile back in NYT she won her AG race by going all in on an attack ad only running in LA of a clip of her debate opponent


Mr. Putnam said there had been “real reluctance” to air the ad inside the campaign without having tested the message in a poll. “It’s important to know this ad almost didn’t get made and almost didn’t air,” Mr. Putnam said. Mr. Smith called that nonsense. “We didn’t have money to test anything,” he said, “and we needed to take decisive action.”

It was certainly true that the campaign was all but broke. The mid-October financial report revealed less than [$850,000 in the bank]— and more than $100,000 in debts. That was not enough for a single week of television time statewide.

So they decided to plow practically every last dollar into airing the double-dipping ad exclusively in Los Angeles — hoping to cut into Mr. Cooley’s home turf. They did not have enough cash to book the final three weeks all at once. “We were spending it as it came in,” Mr. Brokaw said.

Still, the ad felt like it was “everywhere,” said Mr. Leonard, who stopped watching television with his wife to avoid his “nasally British accent” asking the double-dipping question.

For her part, Ms. Harris had dreamed of closing the campaign on a high note, with advertising about her record or her vision. But they did not have enough money to do both.

She ultimately greenlit the all-negative recommendation. “This is eternally to Kamala Harris’s credit,” Mr. Smith said. “She literally bought into shoving all the chips into the middle of the table. You will rarely find a candidate able to make that gutsy of a decision.”


Can I stop real quick to show some appreciation for AOC going out and doing the dirty work of violently fucking up Jill Stein?

I’ll never not hate the Green Party lol. You can talk as much as you want but there’s a real argument they cost us 5 supreme court justices and 12 years in the white house… all to accomplish exactly nothing.

Imagine calling yourself the Green Party and having significant responsibility for nothing getting on on global warming for 24 years. If I was Jill Stein I would probably have had a major mental health episode in the aftermath of 2020. Seriously I probably wouldn’t have survived the level of guilt I would have taken from that.

Instead, because she’s a colonizer with a personality disorder looking to exploit the dissatisfaction of the American left to grift, she’s running again.





This man is just a gaffe machine at a level never seen. Like are we sure he’s not a double agent?

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I’m actually not. It wouldn’t entirely shock me if the business community was over Trump and his bullshit and Thiel did the illuminati (the tech lobby don’t @ me) a solid by saddling him with one of his least capable minions.


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He’s a Gaffin machine!

Automatic, systematic

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5 million views


Get her some tea with honey but please let her keep cooking


Walz bringing it! Called him a nearly 80 year old man shaking his fist at the clouds.



Well I opened Bluesky and my entire timeline is people posting that Donald Trump and Laura Loomer must be fucking. Even jbouie is in on this.

this is the play. keep fucking needling him. keep fucking LAUGHING at him. this guy is sad and pathetic and weak and small, and he’s just gonna line his own pockets, that’s the message.





Here’s what I saw yesterday.


Maybe it’s true. Many people are saying it.

It’s true. I didn’t dig too deep into it but from what I’ve heard, his “crypto project” is a governance token that you can’t even flip for a profit.
