2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

The poll of democrats is pretty much the worst result imo. Bad enough to hamstring him but not bad enough to demand replacement

80% of independents saying he’s mentally/cognitively unfit should be bad enough to demand replacement.

Maybe, but independents don’t make this decision though.

No, but their view should be an important factor in the decision. I mean the only people actually making the decision are Joe and Jill, and his kids, it sounds like.

Right, but he can’t do this because the core criticism is true! Hes old as fuck and his brain doesn’t work anymore. Think of any 81 year old you’ve ever known!

Also a huge percentage of “independents” are Trump voters that don’t like to admit it.

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Bill O’Reilly reports that Biden has decided to drop out, due to internal polling and fundraising, and they have not yet decided when to announce it.

Whether or not Bill O’Reilly counts as credible is open for vigorous debate. I find it virtually impossible to believe that Bill O’Reilly has any sources at the DNC/Biden camp/etc, or that anyone leaking this would leak it to him.


Oh sh–

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Disagree. The odds that Bill O’Reilly, and only Bill O’Reilly, has this story are close to zero.


One aspect of the situation where Biden drops out is that it gives a huge gift to the Republican talking point machine. I can hear it now:

“Biden dropping out proves once and for all that President Trump was right – Biden is and has been incompetent to run this country. And soon we’ll see that Trump was right about everything.”

“The Democrats insisted all along that Biden was fine. But now we know that was a lie. What else are they lying about?”

“The Democrat swamp monsters knew that Biden was incompetent, but in order to enact their far-left communist agenda, he was a useful puppet.”

“Sure, Biden is out, but whoever takes his place will just continue the same failed Democrat policies that are destroying America.”

Etc., etc., ad nauseam.

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But their current talking point is Biden is not fit to hold office so none those talking point seem worse than that.

Obviously any replacement would be in for a huge battle and not going to be smooth sailing

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Also think I mentioned this months ago and probably is mostly just the impact of R propaganda but Biden’s arm swing has been pathetic for months and gait quite restricted so I think there some genuine chance could have Parkinson or something that could be pitched as an acute change he just learned of and wasn’t operating with historically

Should Biden drop out, and do you think he will?
  • I want him to drop out, and he will.
  • I want him to drop out, but he won’t.
  • I want him to stay in, and he will.
  • I want him to stay in, but he’ll drop out
0 voters

If Bill O’Reilly “knows” but it can’t be reported by a real reporter, it would have to be an open secret amongst Obama/Schumer/Pelosi/Jefferies people and that explains why they are all so oddly nonchalant about this disaster. Then one of their high level staffers or something went out to dinner with a conservative buddy that said “I know you can’t talk about it but I think Biden is going to withdraw and is figuring out the best way to do it. Blink twice if that is right” and then they blinked twice.

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Bill O’Reilly is wholly uncredible, and not a single femtojoule of energy should be spent on his thoughts.


But if Bill O’Reilly is wrong then our leaders are batshit crazy, like demonstrably beyond Bill O’Reilly levels of batshit crazy. So it’s quite the conundrum.

Yeah, but I guess what seems different to me is that usually the R talking points are 90 - 100% lies, whereas low-info undecideds will perceive that this one has some truth to it.

The low info undecideds don’t have your same perception that R talking points are 90-100% lies so it’s not noteworthy to them to hear Rs saying something they think has some truth to it. If they knew 90-100% of R talking points were lies they wouldn’t be undecideds

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I mean there’s a world of outcomes where Bill O’Reilly has no inside info as he claims, but is correct.


If you’re considering taking Bill Oreilly seriously about anything other than how to sexually harass people it’s time to touch some grass