2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Kamala Got Her Vibes Back With a Miller High Life

JCO dropping truth bombs


HE’S RUNNING (drudgesiren.gif)


The “logical reasons” for not replacing Biden boil down to voters are extremely dumb and we need to lie to them to the point of insulting their intelligence to enact our preferred agenda. They are probably not quite dumb enough to buy our lies but it’s our only hope.

Doesn’t exactly show great faith in democracy.

Please walk me through why anyone should have much faith in Democracy, particularly American style Democracy, in 2024.

I fully expect the GOP to die in my lifetime and I fully expect to join whatever party is formed to replace them since it likely will be a totally different coalition.

The primaries are the main event right now if you actually care about the future of the country. Pick an anti corporate candidate and get stuck in imo. I gave ~7% of my pretax income for 2023 to AOC’s super pac this year for a reason.

Still voting for Biden and dragging as many people the the polls as I personally can this cycle. We’re never going to get a chance if the eDems throw this.

This is an interesting take. You are literally trying to overturn an election by those same voters, and you’re trying to say they’re smart?

Post debate poll, 27% think Biden is mentally competent to be President. It’s over.

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Hang on, let’s see what the unskewers have to say about it.

Try again, my belief is that Biden should voluntarily pass the torch and that his enablers should come clean and apologize for engaging the most egregious case of mass deception, abuse of power and bullying I can recall since the lead up to the Iraq War.

Man, I’m old enough to remember when the president couldn’t be bothered to read the standard security briefing and thought the whole job of being president was rage-tweeting the news all day. lol @ Biden suddenly being below this level.

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Bear in mind, this whole “Weekend at Bernie’s” fantasy (and that’s exactly what this is, a fantasy) was concocted entirely because a man didn’t enunciate his words as much as you’d like. He didn’t faint. He didn’t skip the debate. He didn’t ramble off into wholly imagined fantasies that have no basis in reality. He didn’t start telling the same story 3 times like he thought he’d never told it before.

He was up on stage not looking as vigorous as one might hope, and not enunciating as much as one would like. That’s not a dead man!


Quite the low bar you have set, and it is only your subjective opinion that he even passed that when we’ve got lines such as “we finally beat Medicare” on the record. Any rational person would be concerned about his decisionmaking ability today and no rational person would trust him to make decisions for the next 5 years, period.

He still leans on Hunter fucking Biden for advice, lol.

Oh, right, if you ever stumble over your words, it’s time to have you taken out back and shot.

Seems fine compared with the alternative. Did you follow any of the actual Hunter stuff and not just the right wing fever dreams? That guy seems way cooler than he gets credit for.

Feel free to shoot me in the head if I’m still working at age 81, much less insisting I should hold the most powerful position in the world. Death sounds greatly preferable…

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This guy nails it imo:

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The New Yorker is as establishment friendly as it gets. The only people left defending this shit are firmly in the “protecting my personal position within the party” territory.


This is such stupid self-destructive behavior from Dems. If they really thought this shit it needed to be fixed 6+ months ago. Instead, they’re just spineless reactionaries.

they were all lulled into thinking it was fine because they saw brandon read stuff from a teleprompter at the SOTU

Biden has done dozens of interviews this year. Pretending like this debate proves all along that he’s demented beyond him being a functional candidate or president because of the way he spoke is dumb. If this debate was enough to convince you, you always thought it and we should have done something about it last year.

And they are a bunch of nerds who were intimidated after watching the Biden crime family bully folks who spoke up like David Axelrod, Dean Philips, Robert Hur,
House Republicans and a handful of former Biden insiders who were exiled after expressing mild concern.

All of them are owed sincere apologies and now agree that Garland should prosecuted for hiding the critical information on those tapes from the public.

This is not a serious opinion.