I hopped on and sent a couple thousand PA GOTV texts today. Got a ton of positive responses and already voted responses, and onoy one negative. This batch was sent to dem leabing voters, so the sample is obviously skewed, but the engagement was way higher and more positive than in past campaigns I’ve texted for. It’s small and mostly meaningless, but gave me a little bit of hopium to hang onto as we wade through all the pessimistic news.


I very much want Trump to do Rogan. The more people watch him as he actually is the better. Particularly that crowd as nearly everything they hear from Trump is filtered through someone else.


I have mixed feelings. I assume Rogan going to try extremely hard to make him sound good but your right that if Trump goes off a couple minute tangent some people going to be surprised if they used to just getting a highlight

Look tons and tons of GOP people lately have tried and failed to make Trump sound not senile and insane. That’s a huge audience and Rogan’s typical episode goes on forever. Trump is going to get the opportunity to be so unpleasant that most listeners quit before it’s over. He’s going to ramble and ramble and ramble and ramble and ramble… and it’s going to be very demoralizing. At this point I honestly wish his rally turnout was higher.

Expect Rogan to try to give Trump outs on some insane bullshit he just said that is insanely bad and for Trump to say ‘no no I meant exactly that in fact let me quadruple down on that and make it worse!’ That’s going to happen at least a few times lol. He manages to do that once per interview on Fox with like 1/100 of the time.

They are moving to cities, not rural areas, that’s the real reason why.

That and more Hispanics voting R are the 2 big competing forces there

No tax on tips
No tax on OT
More racist
More sexist
More deportation
Trans panic
Crime panic
Pro genocide
Somehow also getting more Arab voters who are pissed at Dems

How do I sign up to do this/how long is the training?

Training is about 30 seconds if you are at all tech savvy/quick at picking up how to navigate new platforms. I’ll post the link when I’m on my computer in a few minutes.

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If anyone is in a swing state or know a few handful of registered voters in a swing state, I recently became a paid GOTV ambassador for the campaign. Seems like the goal is to talk to family and friends about voting. Really does feel like doing something to make an impact. Turnout the Vote


Go here > PA Victory - Joining Our Text Team - Google Docs

That is the Kamala for PA 2024 group and is focused on PA voters only. I’m sure there is a similar group for all swing states and likely a general one too, but I wanted to focus on PA.

Here is the short training materials > Scale to Win Training (3).pdf - Google Drive

Once you are in the slack, there should be a welcome section with more info. Then you have to pass a stupid easy quiz before you can join the texting channels.


I’m going to sign up for this in the morning, thanks for sharing!


Awesome! The next two weeks are probably the most impactful for text-banking. Such an easy way to help people figure out how to vote or give them the nudge they need. And the system makes it easy to answer questions and direct them to the resources they need.

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Tell me the last time a Trump rally had anything close to this kind of energy.






If it wasn’t for term limits, this man would still be President.


If only there was something meaningful she could do on policy :thinking:


If you click through, the GOP has a lead in turned in ballots.

I have confirmed by thinking about it that the GOP should have an early voting lead. Yes, Trump moronically told his supporters to wait until Election Day to vote in 2020 but also intuitively the voters of the party out of power should be way more eager to vote.

Whereas in 2020 I was dying to sprint across glass to vote against Trump and get him the fuck out (in a deep blue state), this year I’m like I’m eh, I’m definitely voting Kamala but I’ll get around to it when I get around to it. Ballgame is for all the procrastinator Ds to eventually get around to it.

I don’t think Kamala would waste her time in Texas for no good reason. Either we’re in great shape or Beyonce is appearing with her. Then again, Bey doesn’t live in Houston anymore, so…

Apparently early voting data in Texas so far points to a 1-point Trump win. It’s in play?

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