
this absolutely matters but I think it’s premature to say that florida is “back in play”


Too bad Florida’s dem party is worse than worthless.

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Yeah this is a huge problem actually.

I guess. I think anything you could even theoretically win is ‘in play’. Basically if you spend a ton of money in a state and the other side feels like if they don’t match they might lose it’s ‘in play’.

I think we could get to 20-40% equity in FL on the statewide stuff in 2024. Obviously in most scenarios we win FL it was another wave election.

(these are shitty right-wingers fwiw)

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This is partially because of gerrymandering. 58% of the vote translated to 71% of US House seats. Dems got 8, a proportional amount would have been 12.

So now the bench is not very deep. Gillum was promising before he ended his career via scandal.

SCOTUS puts the mifepristone bullshit on hold (which I think is not much of a surprise, it would be very extreme for them to let that stand before Roberts can come up with a more reasoned path to the same outcome)

So they’re going to announce whatever bullshit at midnight Friday night? Lol this is going to be a steaming pile.

Yeah, I thought the decision needed to be made by midnight today, but delaying till Friday at midnight is not a good sign (assuming the court wants to issue unpopular decisions right before the weekend).

Feel like we trying to read the tea leaves too much on the timing. They probably all were just hungover from some yacht party or something


One comment I saw on the timing is that at least one judge probably wants to write something, which is why they can’t just issue a short per curiam ruling now. You can probably bet that a conservative judge is gonna be writing some big “fuck yeah let’s do this” stuff, and what we’re waiting to see on Friday is whether they’re doing so in the majority or in dissent.



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Snap call

probably thinks rebuplicans are going to outbreed liberals

That’s the fucking snap call of the god damned century.

Phew! It is in dissent!



Hahaha Alito is such a whiny fucking baby

Love him calling out Kagan for all the times she’s criticized the court’s shadow docket work now that he suddenly is big mad about a stay being issued

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I’m shocked that this is the result actually. None of the Trump judges dissented? Blowing my mind.

I’m not terribly surprised, like going all-in on this batshit Kacsmaryk order is pretty extreme. And that’s not to say this SCOTUS isn’t extreme, just that when they (minus Thomas and Alito, who have always been the two most extreme since Scalia’s death) can accomplish the same goal after oral arguments in a month and dress it up in more reasonable-sounding bullshit, there’s little downside in doing so.

So was this a 7-2 decision?