
It’s impossible to say. Others could’ve dissented and not noted it. The only thing we know for sure is that at least 5 voted to stay.

does this qualify as a decision? it’s pending appeal. they can bring up arguments anytime they feel like

Today’s episode of The Only Ethical Abortion is My Abortion

Ugh. Clear EMTALA violations every where.


From the article

An obligation to act?
Doctors are bound not only by state law, but also by federal law. That includes the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA, which requires that patients be stabilized in an emergency.

Man, I’m not going to get pissed at any of the doctors who are afraid to play calvinball for their licenses and their freedom. What a dystopian fucking nightmare.

Also, I’m sorry, but the leopards ate her fucking face:

Yeah, I’m not really pissed at the doctors, but that should have been cause for reflection.

I sure as shit blame the doctors. they make a decent living and can work anywhere. they are not only bound by federal law but by ethics they swore to uphold. if anyone dies because of a decision they make or don’t make, the blood is just as much on their hands, and there will be a lot of it. I hope it haunts them.

Hospitals can be held liable too.

That’s a super short sighted post. You’re talking about extended jail time, murder charges in some places and more.

You also don’t swear by any set of ethics. That’s tv bs

then leave the state. it’s not hard. any doctor denying life saving care out of fear of ramification is culpable.

then again who can expect doctors to prioritize the patient rather than covering their own asses? just not how it works here, I know.

this aint it chief


the law allows them to perform life saving treatment in emergency situations. the fact they told her to wait outside til she was near death is against not only federal law, but even oklahoma state law! If I had a job that forced me to prioritize my own well being over that of the patient, I’d be unable to continue working (and I’d hope most ethical doctors would be unable to as well). If you continue to work in an environment that “forces” or encourages you to make these kind of decisions you are complicit.

it’s not a gray issue at all.

honestly the fact that the consensus here is “well gee, what else could they do but let her die if his license/freedom is potentially (but not actually realistically) in jeopardy” is completely psychopathic.

people, even relatively privileged people like doctors, can’t always just “pick up and move to another state”

I have a lot of sympathy for the “you weren’t forced to choose this career path” argument in general but for doctors in particular the system is heavily tilted in keeping them in line

Leave your home, family, life…

Ok then. That’s not reasonable. Perhaps it would be doable for you, but it’s not for others

Out of curiosity, when was the last time you did something high profile that risked a decade plus in prison?

Doing this procedure involves at least 5, probably 8+ people risking their lives to do it.

they aren’t going to throw doctors in jail for providing life saving treatment, at least not now. this violates federal law. they are using the law as a convenient excuse to not cause inconvenience for themselves. staying in that situation willingly without even trying to provide adequate lifesaving care says a lot about the person.

it’s also an extraordinarily weak copout. sure, maybe in some bizarro world this doctor faces some charges that immediately get thrown out - but the flip side is, this woman dies and the hospital is liable for a malpractice suit. like, this isn’t a gray situation at all. even the oklahoma law is clear on the matter and federal law definitely is.

i can’t answer this question without exposing personal information about myself but I used to work in a field where if i caused a death (regardless of whether or not it was my fault) I was going to at minimum trash my career, and at max go to jail. it’s not a situation I’m unfamiliar with.