
lol, lmao

ok snarky reply aside - say this is true. if the choice is killing someone or going to jail, i either risk jail or leave the situation where i wont have to kill people.

someone who chooses otherwise says a lot about themselves.

The patient is the one with the disease. The doctors didn’t kill a patient by not doing a procedure they aren’t allowed to do

They in this sentence are right wing nutjobs, basically. So I think they absolutely would throw doctors in jail.

This is an oversimplification imo. It’s more like follow the law and go from a 99% chance of saving them to XX% which I’m guessing is still high, or don’t follow the law and keep it at 99% and risk jail. But you’re also going to need several coworkers to join you in that risk.

And choosing to move from the area means either someone else is following the law and nothing changes or they’re running out of doctors and people die from lack of care.

I think doctors fleeing red states over these laws is a desirable outcome to force change, but I don’t think the individual decisions are as cut and dry as you’re making them.

but they are allowed to do it

lol i’m out. they literally told her to sit in the parking lot til she was about to die. this isn’t even what the backwards ass oklahoma law states you need to do, but whatever.

guess it’s the patient’s fault, or the state, anything but the doctor that can actually save them. love to play god until it’s something like this and then it’s “nothing we can do”

Not according to the people who would be charging them.


The thread just gets worse and worse

I wouldn’t even bet on this as an uninterested observer, much less as a practicing doctor who would actually be on the receiving end of such a sentence. I think you are massively underestimating how off-the-rails things are in some of these states with hypergerrymandered legislatures

has there been even 1 doctor getting in trouble? I can’t find anything, only stuff like this where the court immediately dismisses it: Texas court dismisses case against doctor who violated state's abortion ban - ABC News

this doctor acted because he felt he had a duty to care to the patient. this is besides the point though. if you hold a profession that
maybe sorta gray area requires you to deny life saving treatment (again I’m not aware of a single doctor getting in trouble for this), let’s just assume this is the case - and you continue to perform this role - how in the bloody fucking hell are you not culpable in some way? I refuse to believe there’s nothing that can be done by the hospital or physician. there’s not been a single indication that this is actually the case. even in the case we’re talking about, in the very article linked in this thread - it states that there is no requirement in oklahoma abortion law that the patient must be on the brink of death to provide care. the doctor/hospital just decided the risk to themselves personally was not worth the life of a patient. that’s not a controversial or wrong statement, that’s what happened.

and yes you are killing them by denying life saving care, not even gonna go down that idiotic trolley dilemma/semantics.

I’ve actually taken big risks to do my job. Like real deal voluntary only assignments. Worked on nothing but patients getting high flow nasal cannula and bipap when we thought those things aerosolized enough Covid to make risk for transmission exceedingly high and possibly worsen the course of illness. I got paid 15-20 bucks per hour. Did that job for a month.

I would never fault these doctors individually the way you are

They absofuckinglutely would love to throw a doctor in jail for performing an abortion in a deep red state. Bonus points if it’’s a lady doctor, and triple points if it’s a minority doctor.

The people hardest hit by this will be minorities and the poor.

I think it’s really hard to make a judgment on people living in a dystopian handmaids tale nightmare. I mean, in the abstract, yes, I’d like heroic doctors to stand up to the man. However, I’m not going to fault individual doctors who don’t. It’s not the doctors who are at fault, it’s the people writing the insane laws.

Edit: Also, I’m sorry, but Mrs. Pro-life republican voter who got her face eaten by a leopard is absolutely partly to blame. If there weren’t so many people like her then we wouldn’t be in this shitty dystopian nightmare.

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My friend is an obgyn in New Jersey. He used to always want to one day come back to Texas. No more obviously.

One of the (perhaps intended) consequences of all this is the continued stratification of our country. I bet Texas’s blueward shift stops and starts to reverse.

It should specifically be the rural poor, so in some areas they’ll be minorities but in a lot of areas they’ll be white.

what is hard about this statement -

A doctor and hospital placed their own well being (a small risk by the letter of the law and how it’s being applied) over the life of a patient. How is that upsetting to anyone? that is what happened.

Putting this entirely on a woman (“the patient is sick”) who you don’t even know at all, etc, while giving cart blanche to the motives of the doctors who are in a much stronger position of power to actually do something about her situation, is kind of a patently ridiculous position.

You’re putting all of the agency on the patient, which again, is not in a position to save her own life, the doctor/hospital is - and denying that the doctor (again the person who could save her life) any agency at all in this situation, due to the “risk” he places on maybe causing theoretical risk to himself. Okay.

even if she did vote that way she still deserves the right granted to her under the law to life saving treatment lol. If you don’t agree with that we just won’t agree.

It’s not a small risk. You keep saying that it is but it’s not.

I’m putting the agency on the lawmakers, not the woman. The woman bears a small piece of responsibility because she voted for those lawmakers.

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