China/Russia/Aliens Observing/Invading Our Airspace?

I’d assume this would be easily detected. Like I assume someone at NORAD would be like, “Hey that thing followed the jet stream perfectly, didn’t it?”

Seems like a good time for Biden to say something right? Or is he over the middle of the ocean in Air Force One?

it’s waaaaaaay past biden’s bed time

CNN and MSNBC in normal programming and Fox News going wire to wire on this makes me think it’s no big deal.

I am mildly rustled, but only mildly.

there’s nothing to report - all the militaries are saying is they dont know what it is. aliens. case closed.

The number of purported UFO videos popping up on Twitter right now is insane. I just realized that if/when aliens arrive on Earth, nobody on social will know what videos are real/fake.

While Trudeau described the object Saturday as “unidentified,” Anand said it appeared to be “a small cylindrical object, smaller than the one that was downed off the coast of North Carolina.” A NORAD spokesman, Maj. Olivier Gallant, said the military had determined what it was but would not reveal details.


How you going to make a statement that you figured it out but not going to tell anybody

If accurate, that’s not a prank then. They’d announce that.

I actually think I erred significantly in leaving USA#1 off the list of probabilities. We could be testing new unmanned drones and how capable they are of avoiding conventional fighter jets.

Right after the Chinese balloon incident in a manner that draws more attention to it? No way. The flaw in all conspiracy theories assumes a super-functional government at the highest levels where hundreds or thousands of people can keep a secret.

Was going to say this. Aliens waaaay too high. USA too low

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Fair points but it could be in response to China flexing it’s muscle over similar technology. “Hey Xi, we have it too.”

Sometimes having advanced technology is best kept secret. Sometimes it’s best as a known deterrent.

I’ve seen some tweets about the so called “UFO parents” a Navy physicist filed for a few years ago, and people are pointing out that we were either on the verge of some insane technological advances or bluffing to make adversaries waste money.

Kind of a gut feel, but it feels like the gap between what the public knows/think it knows about state of the art weapons programs and actual state of the art weapons programs has never been greater, though one would think shit would be harder to conceal these days.

What the public posting on Facebook and Twitter thinks the state-of-the-art weapons are: balloons carrying viruses made in a lab, zero-gravity nukes, aliens

What the state-of-the-art weapons actually are: Facebook, Twitter


Montana thing appears to be a false alarm.

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“Small metallic balloon with a tethered payload.”

Sounds a lot like this:

China is probably probing our defenses for their balloon-launched hypersonic missiles or flexing their muscle before they try to take Taiwan. Not great, but not aliens.

I’m wondering if China just demonstrated that they can take out our nuclear missile silos in Montana with balloon launched hypersonic missiles? There had been some talk about them being ahead of the US with their hypersonic program.

I’d also point out that Biden directly called out Xi very aggressively in the SOTU, this could be a face-saving response.


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Still drawing live to Alien Invasion I guess.

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