China/Russia/Aliens Observing/Invading Our Airspace?

I think this needs its own thread now. We’ve now shot down two UFO’s, one over Alaska, one over the Yukon. This after the Chinese spy balloon shot down off the coast of North Carolina.

Tonight, airspace over Montana - where many of our nuclear silos are - was closed down.

What in the actual fuck is going on?

I’m leaning towards China fucking around with new technology, but it’s all in play at this point, right?

My main question is have whatever these have been something we had been seeing for awhile and just ignored but now we have a strict no malarkey policy so are shooting everything down?

That’s very possible. I recall DOD releasing footage of very fast/agile objects like a year ago maybe? They were like yeah we don’t know what these are and that was pretty much it.

no aliens in my airspace, jack

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It seems like some things might not have been public but the dumbass huge balloon demanded a response

I am like 95% China, 4% aliens, 1% Russia. The timing with the balloon makes it very likely to be China imo.

2023 delivers.

Also, and I cannot stress this enough, “What, in the actual fuck is happening.”

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donk happened

Russia would struggle to get a hot air balloon off the ground.

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Maybe we’re at war with The Principality of Sealand.

Could this also be like, some engineering student having a laugh?

My Dad: maybe it’s some kind of advanced homemade drone.

Me: 40,000 feet up???

How hard would it be to build a balloon though and then just launch it into the jet stream? Not a drone, something with no ability to be controlled, etc. Basically a prank.


I’ve occasionally checked this Twitter for Ukraine related retweets but have no idea if they actually do reliable reporting?

Fighter pilots eyeballing what an object like this is doing while flying at 10 times the speed of said object may not be completely accurate in seeing what they think they are seeing. Or we’re at war with Mars, could go either way.

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Can someone get Randy Quaid back in flying condition just in case?