China/Russia/Aliens Observing/Invading Our Airspace?

Yeah from outside looking in seems like they must have changed their detection/response parameters in some way to catch smaller stuff than before? But I don’t know anything about radar so wonder if was a matter that they were blind to this stuff before and had no idea several a week were crossing in to US or if they previously knew about all of these but just weren’t responding

This seems likely to be the case, the question is what are they? I’m leaning towards something China has been doing, but who knows?

if they’re telling the truth they dont know, that’s concerning. if they are lying they don’t know, that’s concerning.

The thing to remember about government is that shows like “Parks & Rec” and “Veep” are way more accurate portrayals than “The West Wing” and “24.” I think it’s probable that they don’t know.

I’m also not so sure it’s China (although it could be). We immediately knew that the balloon two weeks ago was from China, and they didn’t even deny it. This shit seems different.

they have come out and said they don’t think it’s china. they also said they don’t think it’s aliens. why isn’t anyone talking about RUSHERRRRRRR

After seeing Russia’s performance in Ukraine I have very little faith they have the technical capability to do anything close to this. India? Seems unlikely any NATO member or US ally would do this and risk royally pissing the US off.

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even if militarily they seem to be dummkopfs i thought they were fairly capable with rocketry and spaceflight - doesn’t seem wild they could put some objects into low earth atmosphere to do (who knows).

pretty funny though we are going “shoot first ask questions later” on it

Yeah this seems way too competent for Russia. I guess the DoD will know once they’ve gone through the wreckage.

Have they even found any wreckage yet outside of the initial balloon China claimed? Gotta wonder how much even left after getting hit by a missile given it sounds these other ones were not solely popping balloons

They really need a missile to bring these things down? I guess moving it’s hard to hit a stationary object with whatever kind of guns jets carry these days? @skydiver8 ?

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Apparently the Lake Huron one actually took 2 missiles because they missed the first. I assume they could have shot down with guns but can stay further away with missiles

If the president of the USA can shoot down alien magic powered ships with guns in Independence Day it should work for this. Next you’ll tell me a virus can’t be uploaded to alien software easily

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North Korea?


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Where’d the miss go? Is it blown up by remote control by the pilot or could it have hit say a Canadian hockey rink? (I’m assuming they were firing towards Canada and not the states and if you hit a structure in Canada 50/50 its a hockey rink.)

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independence day is the best film ever made

welcome to earth

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trillion dolla budget gotta go somewhere

The usual suspects over on UP have it all figured out. :crazy_face:

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