Climate and Environment: Cat 5 Hurricane Milton, 165 mph winds

Antarctic sea ice hit record lows again. Scientists wonder if it’s ‘the beginning of the end’

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Beginning of the end was a while ago imo.


Yes, it is. No, most people don’t care. Yes, humans are pretty fucked. No, most of them don’t care. Yes, it’s happening faster than projected. No, we’re not going to do anything to stop it. Yes, the sea level will probably rise several feet in my lifetime. No, society will not change course.

Society in its current form will last until it collapses, without changing course. Only way we avoid our demise is if scientists make brilliant advances that allow rich humans to keep consuming gluttonous amounts of energy without causing their own demise.

Humans and energy are like dogs and food you put in front of them. They’re eating it until they puke, then they might try to eat the vomit.

I follow this like I follow news on COVID and H5N1, I’m just trying to be informed enough to escape the worst of it for as long as possible. Anything more than that is hopeless - and that’s probably hopeless, too.


The planet is going to shake a lot of us off like a bad case of fleas.

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Basically the 2000 election IMO. Who knows how history would have been different if we had president Gore at the turn of the century?

here’s an opinion on this from krugman. it’s a totally subjective high level wonk view, and obviously overlooks the frustrations and damages at the bottom that people and consumers are going to face. but still, it does seem that greening of power grid and phasing out much of ICE transportation will be possible. at some point i believe i called myself a technologist, and even if much of climate tech doesn’t exist yet, i kinda have to bet of basic science to eventually produce it.

The biggest factor making this kind of climate initiative possible, after so many years of inaction, is the spectacular technological progress in renewable energy that has taken place since 2009 or so. This means that we can greatly reduce emissions using carrots instead of sticks: giving people incentives to use low-emission technologies rather than trying to regulate or tax them into giving up high-emission activities. And the politics of carrots are obviously a lot easier than the politics of sticks.

half the voters think anything green is “woke” now so it doesn’t matter

and half of those voters will die before the coral reefs do. sad.

Levine today highlighted a story that I think does a good job of encapsulating some of the problems with market-based climate solutions:


it’s been snowing in california last several days but today I saw something I couldn’t believe, it was snowing at the beach in LA. actual snow. and not a little drizzle, either. real day after tomorrow shit. this is the coldest winter I’ve seen here.

Despite the headline it’s actually good news. Basically the huge profits oil companies are going to show over the next few years are going to be because they’ve stopped investing in new projects.

This is a wild story:

non-paywall link

People need to go to jail for this:

If DeSantis wants to Make America Florida, yikes:

I’ll ask my brothers take on this. He was an actuary that was involved in the decision his old employer made to exit Florida. My guess is he blames the FL state government for this, which is probably pretty fair.

I predicted a couple years ago that the Florida homeowners insurance market collapsing would be the first impact of climate change that woke a lot of people up to the reality that shit was hitting the fan. Silly me, I thought the insurance would just get crazy expensive or insurers would move out of state. I forgot that sham fly by night operators would come in and rip off homeowners.

This is my favorite part though:

So far they’ve received one $2,500 check for living expenses, despite having submitted hundreds of receipts for their hotels, food and other expenses, emails show, and another for $10,000, which went directly toward repairing their roof. Much of their furniture is ruined, the couple said, and they are in the process of applying for a loan to continue the repair work

Cause hey, why not rebuild there and roll the dice again, amirite?

Absolutely, but I’m not sure it’s in the immediate interests of the wealthy or powerful for this to be a big thing. Like, if homes in Florida are uninsurable due to climate change, that’s a big fucking problem for Florida and for people like Ron DeSantis, who’s pretty fucking powerful.

This company probably can’t pay out, it would probably go under. So then what happens to the homeowners? A federal bailout? And for what? To rebuild homes there and do this all over again? I mean I’m sure Dems would be dumb enough to do it, but I say give these people what most of them voted for: some guidelines on bootstrapping and decision making. DeSantis won by 20 points statewide, and he won Lee County where Ian hit by 40 points.

A lot of powerful people are best served by this being mostly swept under the rug and letting it rip again until enough residents get wise to the scam to GTFO.

And quite frankly I feel no sympathy for these people. I am 36 and have not been able to buy a home yet, and I’m currently struggling financially quite a bit as the single earner putting my fiancee through school. These people owned homes, and they made shitty decisions on where they lived in this age of climate disasters, and most of them voted for the climate denial party and the fuck immigrants party and the fuck libs’ feelings party.

Fuck 'em.

I was right. Florida basically made it impossible for legit insurance companies to write policies in the state.

So that left only the guys who never intended to pay claims.

So as investors what we’re looking for is a mortgage lender who has too much exposure to the Florida coastline, where a bunch of homes went from literally underwater to underwater on their mortgages absent insurance payouts that aren’t coming. Problem is, trying to figure out who has that exposure is fucking impossible with all of the swaps.

How big of a financial disaster is lurking just under the surface here?