Climate and Environment: Cat 5 Hurricane Milton, 165 mph winds

Medium sized for sure. I have a hard time believing that any Florida mortgage lender didn’t know and held the paper. It’s been securitized and sold years ago now mostly.

Right but someone has it…

A lot of that is going to be fha loans I bet.

Ugh, good point.

I know you hear a lot about the places that going to be most impacted by climate change (like Miami for example) but are there good lists that go into detail on places that will be least impacted? Don’t think as easy as just sort by elevation as you may have to worry about river flooding or whatever also.

Kinda tempting to look for currently really cheap land somewhere regionally close in case it’s the only livable area from my grandkids or something

In the US I think for the most part the Midwest and Northeast (away from the coast and out of river flood zones) will be largely ok. Also Canada.

I’d say more the upper Midwest and New England, but yes. Parts of California do ok, there you’re generally looking for coastal areas that have steep elevation gain right at the coast.

The places you think do the worst mostly do. Florida, Arizona, most of the Southeast. South Carolina low country could be the worst area in the entire country (iirc it’s the only area that could get wet-bulb conditions).

Kind of poetic that the regions that support politicians who are responsible for the problem will bear the brunt of it.

To some extent. Lots of Midwestern MAGAs will benefit from it, though.

Wtf Joe

I don’t know about lists, but until the last few years I would have said the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately now, in addition to our dark rainy season, instead of summer, we have heat dome/wildfire smoke season.

Literally waited to dump it in the news while banks are going under.

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Pivot to the middle!

“On February 9, 2020, at a town-hall meeting in Hudson, New Hampshire, Joe Biden, then a Presidential candidate, took a question from a woman standing near the bleachers. The woman asked about oil drilling in Alaska. Biden, in response, pledged, “No more drilling on federal lands, period, period, period.” It was, he added, “a disaster” to drill for oil in the Arctic—“a big disaster, in my view.”

On Monday, the Biden Administration granted ConocoPhillips approval for an immense new drilling project—the Willow oil project—in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. The National Petroleum Reserve is most definitely federal land, and it’s significantly north of the Arctic Circle. When the decision began to leak out, late last week, former Vice-President Al Gorecalled it “recklessly irresponsible” and “a recipe for climate chaos.” Senator Jeff Merkley, Democrat of Oregon, decried it as a “complete betrayal of Biden’s promise.”

Listen here, Corn Pop, if Joe doesn’t say “here’s the deal” before he says “period period period” he doesn’t mean what he says, he just says what he means. If you didn’t know that that’s on you now let’s all go get some ice cream, all this Arctic talk made me want some Dairy Queen.

Joe’s just making a masterful play for independent voters, safe in the knowledge that Republicans can no longer call him a woke ESG anti-American who hates oil, they definitely will not use that line a million times in the next electoral cycle now that he has proven them wrong.


LV survives for another year.


good news everyone, nature is going to fix the lake powell/mead mess we created sometime next century

This is an amazing read, when you consider that every quoted politician railing against the free market is a free market conservative who probably thought climate change was a hoax right up until they started running out of water. Every time you see a quote from the county-level politicians, just replace it with, “Wahhhhhhh I can’t believe the free markets are eating MY face, they’re supposed to eat OTHER faces! Wahhhhhh!”

(And yes, obviously what the investment firms are doing is bullshit and should be illegal.)

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damn what a year it has been. it won’t come close mead and powell at full pool, but the water will extend into next year.

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