Climate and Environment: Cat 5 Hurricane Milton, 165 mph winds

this is exactly how holywood would have scripted it

I would literally never write insurance in Florida if I was an insurance company lol. Fuck. That. Fuckety Fuck that. It’s so much worse than it looks and it looks so bad you can see it’s a nightmare factory tire fire on top of a medical waste dump from space.

I know Warren Buffett said that he’d write life insurance in a cancer ward if you let him set the premiums, but the state of FL isn’t going to let you charge 80% of what you’d need to make it break even on underwriting. And that’s with best case scenario crackhead math that pretends like climate change isn’t real, which is all they’re going to let you use.

Unless it was life insurance lol. Life insurance is such a scam that you still make a ton of money writing it in a state where white collar fraud is the states second largest industry. Maybe more actually.

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This is why the insurers are selling fly-by-night insurance, and as soon as the big hurricane hits they cap all the claims and bail. I’ve been saying for a couple years now this is where the rubber meets the road on climate change, and it’s like watching a huge car crash in slow motion.

won’t someone please think of the villagers!

Fuck 'em, if the Boomers aren’t going to give their money to their kids let them give it to the ocean.

In the lake’s revival, scientists, historians and growers see an epic rematch gathering between nature and humans. For now, nature seems determined to win in an era of climate change with extended dry periods followed by storms that deliver more water than anyone knows what to do with. The runoff has no natural place to drain, and experts say there is no easy way to send this water to other areas of the state that could use it for irrigation or residential purposes, even as the state remains desperate for long-term drought solutions.


The lake bed is essentially a 790-square-mile bathtub — the size of four Lake Tahoes — that dates back to the Ice Age. Mammoths once sipped at Tulare Lake’s shores, and tule elk ranged in its marshlands.


The load of water waiting to course downhill dwarfs what is there already. It is so immense that officials project that in addition to expanding Tulare Lake, it will fill the area’s four largest reservoirs two or three times over. If the snow melts too fast, it could overwhelm flood protections, wiping out crops and inundating already-saturated farm towns. Veterans of past floods say that, even with all the fortifications in place, the lake could spread to 200 square miles or more.

Not sure if you guys are also watching this sweat. the heavens of upper colorado are about to open up with a biblical amount of snowmelt. and it turns out that we can measure it, and watch in real time.

The other side of all this water is also super interesting. CA central valley is for the first time putting to use some recent “artificial aquifer recharge” experiments, which is probably just a new word for conservation. how much is the water is going to percolate into the soil is kinda a huge factor in doing more of it in the future and agriculture being sustainable.

snowmelt possibly starting

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so much water that whoever runs the dam decided to do an experiment. something about allowing rapid flow for 3-days to dislodge and push sediment downstream, which is necessary for the ecosystem etc

now adding over a foot per day.


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going to be a brutal fire season

Is it? That surprises me. I would have thought the wet weather would tamp down the fire season this year.

the opposite - it allowed the brush and undergrowth to grow like crazy, which will turn into tinder during the hot summer.

With his halo of snowy curls and Spanish lilt — a vestige of his childhood in Argentina — Mr. Revesz is known as “Ricky” to everyone from his law students to his legal opponents. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan has called him “a legend.” John Podesta, a senior climate adviser to Mr. Biden who also served in top roles in the Obama and Clinton administrations, considers Mr. Revesz his hero.

Conservatives see Mr. Revesz differently.

“He is the professor of gobbledygook!” said Elizabeth Murrill, the solicitor general of Louisiana, who plans to join Republican attorneys general from other states to challenge Mr. Biden’s climate regulations. “He is creating these numbers to try to justify destroying the fossil fuel industry and the petrochemical industry, to justify bankrupting people and destroying their lives. And they say it’s all justified because of the future, because they say they’re saving the planet.”

Gobbledygook! Imagine caring for the future?! Of the planet!