Climate and Environment: Cat 5 Hurricane Milton, 165 mph winds

Two prison terms? Awesome!

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lol the buzz around this superconductor thing is suuuuper hard to follow. There’s been drama, and enough people are jostling aggressively for credit that it’s apparent at the very least they truly believe they found something.

It’s just such an earth shattering discovery if true. like, on the level of discovering cold fusion or something. I don’t even know what to compare it to. It’ll change everything, and quickly too, because the materials are cheap and their method isn’t difficult to reproduce.

The only thing is, I feel someone would’ve already replicated the experiment by now.

It seems like it takes about a week to reproduce all the steps to synthesize this, so we should know any day now?

Can someone explain this superconductor news in layman terms? What are the major real world benefits if this is able to be replicated? Asking for a friend, not me who has a BS in engineering adjacent studies. Totally not for me.

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I’m in this boat too, but re: replicating the results, lots of people at work are talking about this and apparently a couple simulations have confirmed it should work (simulations tho) and now this:

The title is misleading. they only replicated the diamagnetic properties, resistance has yet to be confirmed

Yeah I was wondering about this? Like if true does this mean something is like 20% better/cheaper or that we all going to be living in the simulation in a decade?

The climate change impacts if this is cheap are hard to overstate. The primary problem with solar power is that it produces energy very unevenly because of how much sunlight is available. When you try to move this power long distance you lose the vast majority of it (we were going to do it anyway).

This opens up the possibility of the East Coast powering the west coast in the early morning and the west coast powering the east coast at night. It also means that natural batteries can be huge mega projects that are centrally located and huge nuclear plants can be used for peaker capacity across huge areas (and nuclear can be located in places selected for safety rather than grid logistics).

Anyway it solves a huge % of the question ‘how do we get to clean energy without using less energy?’

But for any of that to happen it has to be cheap.


looking more and more like it is more likely real than not.

It also makes carbon capture technology that already exists but is not currently energy efficient, suddenly energy efficient.

Let’s fucking go science!!

There could also be global implications of that, continents powering each other halfway around the world. However, it might also be a lot simpler. A room temperature superconductor can serve as a perfect battery. You create a loop, and the electricity just spins around the loop over and over again with no resistance and no loss until you are ready to use it. So this makes renewable sources far more useful, because you can store a lot more electricity a lot more efficiently when it’s windy/sunny/whatever and then use it anytime.

Some other really cool stuff: NY to LA in 20 mins, with no emissions, and new cancer treatments.

Don’t know that guy, maybe that was meant to be hyperbole but wouldn’t NY to LA in 20 minutes have to involve near lethal G Forces?

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That’s like 10,000 mph. I assume that wouldn’t be for human use.

EDIT: Probably not for pony use either.

Not sure if he meant it as hyperbole or what the g forces would have to be. Depends how fast it could go at peak, which would influence how gradually it could accelerate and decelerate.

It is theoretically possible to travel at any speed, the fastest trains we currently have are like 400mph I think.

yea LA to NY in 20 mins is like 8,000 mph isn’t it?


With a maximum acceleration of 1g and max speed of 10k MPH, you could make it in about 24 minutes. (If I used chatGPT right)

Taking into account acceleration AND deceleration? Wow, that’s impressive, I guess I hadn’t really considered how fast the rate of acceleration is at 1G.

A Bugatti Divo goes from 0-60 in 2.4 seconds. At that rate of acceleration in 10 minutes you’d be at 15,000 miles per hour, so we’re definitely not talking about lethal g-forces to be in that time range.

Doesn’t 1g = 9.8m/s^2 of acceleration? 10k mph ~= 16k km/h ~= 4.4km/s, so wouldn’t it take (4400 / 9.8) = 450 seconds (7.5 minutes) to accelerate to that speed?