COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

I was told by reliable sources that schoolchildren are somehow magically immune to COVID.


Why? How did this end up happening?

If it was an uberpool thing (or whatever it is where you can share a rides with a random) that seems like a very unlikely paring of passengers, especially since you’ve got two people who can afford their own uber.

You get stuck in the weirdest things.

He was a friend of a friend of a friend and getting to the game got weird because of some nasty rain that went through just before kickoff

Well, it just struck me as weird. I was curious, nothing more. The way you had described it seemed like you were just two complete randoms. Friend of a friend doesn’t seem weird at all.

Both of us our negative today. Wife is feeling pretty good.

Tennis tomorrow.


Story checks out. Glad you both are feeling well!


I really appreciate the effort two catch me on that across threads. Ore am eye being stalked? Weight, your outside write know?

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Missed opportunity for “stocked” imo


Welp, four years of this bullshit, and I just now got it. No more novid for me.

Also glad I went to the mall yesterday god dammit, probably exposed hundreds of people. Felt fine until the very end, got an alert from my watch that my HR was up (probably had a fever)


Toddler and daycare got me in the end. Surprised it took this long tbh


It is surprising indeed, I would have thought you were just one of those people who doesn’t get it.

Yup, took 30 minutes to get it from my pcp.

Hope you don’t get the rebound. That sucked so much ass.

Faustian bargain for the Natty?

With the shots plus vitamin P you should be in for not too bad a ride.

Almost 4 years in an ER wearing a mask and you still got it. Masks don’t work. The vax is fake news.

Rest well. We will try and bring you another Michigan football win tomorrow.

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Hope it’s mild and passes quickly for you, pretty incredible novid run for your line of work. If 40 is the new 30, onevid is the new novid.

Don’t feel bad about the mall thing, it’s not like you knew. Sadly, at this point those of us who would stay home if we knew we were pozzed are in the distinct minority. The vast majority of people aren’t testing if they’re sick, and I bet 75% of people would go out maskless if they were pozzed.

Well, feeling a ton better today. The paxlovid does weird shit to taste though it’s gross.

Parents are over already this weekend. They’ve had covid and are recently boosted, they’re taking care of the toddler. Wife is good. Hopefully will pass soon.


Hard candy or popsicles helped me. Also I noticed it was worse shortly after each dose and less gross right before the new dose, and tried to time meals accordingly so they didn’t taste as weird.

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Think your straight up tasting it getting excreted into your spit

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Feeling so much better. Not allowed to do child care. Playing online poker and watching football. Paid days off MTW. Life is tough.