COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

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Yawn. Wake me up when there’s someone with an anonymous source that confirms my priors.


Oh good, Nate’s on it


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I think you’re posting on the wrong forum.


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I’m not fully following what’s going on here. Let me guess, one side is being fully transparent and the other side is trying to use that while being fully opaque.

Hmmm, which group is the scientists….


So if I’m remembering all of the studies, it appears likely that the risk is at or below 6%, and it’s reduced by vaccination - perhaps by around 40%, which gets us to 3.6%. Paxlovid takes it down 24%, then that’s 2.74%. Metformin reduces it 42%, which would get us down to 1.59%.

That’s assuming the protective stuff all stacks with no overlap, which is a big assumption. But I think there’s a pretty good chance we’re getting the risk of long COVID in line with long cold/flu on the track we’re on for those who stay boosted and take the protective meds when pozzed. I’m guessing cold/flu is in the 2-3% range anyway.

Hopefully that’s how this plays out and the variants don’t move in a bad direction.

My current plan is to start unmasking in a lot of public settings once I lose enough weight to eliminate that risk factor. 46 pounds down so far!




Good lord, dropping 46 is no joke.

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Which old timey comedian joked he lost 140lbs- he divorced his wife?

Not sure if this was posted before but it’s a good summary. A hot take I have is that a lot of this confusion could be just people bickering over publishing rights and getting mad over who’s allowed to use GSAID’s data. No one who hasn’t worked in science will ever believe my theory, but this just reads like people being petty little shits.

“The GISAID terms of use do not preclude the public discussion of data as long as the data generators are acknowledged and best efforts have been made to collaborate with the contributors,” they wrote in defense of releasing their full analysis. “CCDC [China CDC] has thus far declined to collaborate on this. We respect our CCDC colleagues’ right to be first to publish a manuscript on their own data and do not plan to submit a paper that would compete with their manuscript currently undergoing review.” Still, they argued that by GISAID allowing China CDC to remove the genetic data from public view amid peer review, the database is essentially granting China CDC an embargo, which is a departure from GISAID’s stated mission to rapidly overcome such hurdles for sharing virological data.

LOL vaccines.

BioNTech projecting a 90% drop off in doses sold in 2023 by my math. About a 70% drop in revenue while approx tripling prices.

US current booster rate is 16%, so we’re looking at < 5% here in 2023 folks.

Let 'er fucking rip.

I’m still waiting for when I can get a second booster.

You just go get it, basically.

they won’t turn me away? there’s no current guidance for second booster, although, some things I’ve read from experts say they think it will be a yearly thing like the flu shot.

Why would they turn you away? There’s no shortage of vaccine, handing them out like candy is the pharmacy’s whole job.

because I had one less than 6 months ago

Oh I’d wait at least six months… And at this point if you’re not going to get it twice a year I’d wait til fall. I’m still getting them twice a year.

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