COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Dunno about that. I plan on getting a yearly booster if they let me.

The WHO is worried (correctly) about vaccine shortage in developing nations. if the booster truly is marginal in healthy people (i dont know how they determined this already) then it is more efficient to save vaccines. we however have enough vaccine and resources to jab ourselves 10x over so let er rip if there’s no consequences. it’s not like we’re gonna just start handing them out to poor countries.

The media is going to fuck this one up big time, but I kind of think that’s what the people running the show want. The headline should be: Vast Majority of American Adults Need COVID Boosters Every 6-12 Months, WHO Advisors Say.

The guidance says people over 50-60 and those with comorbidities should keep getting boosted every 6-12 months. Obesity is a comorbidity. So is being overweight. 42% of American adults are obese, 31% are overweight, and 34% are over 50. Obviously there’s some significant overlap there with the 50+ and both other groups, but there are also a bunch of other comorbidities. We’re probably talking about ~90% of Americans having a comorbidity here. Hypertension is on the list, too. So is diabetes. There are tons of things.

It’s pretty clear the WHO would recommend the vast majority of American adults continue getting boosted every 6-12 months. Meanwhile a ton of people are walking around calling themselves healthy and young while having 2+ comorbidities. But in the USA that’s considered “healthy.”

This is going to be a trainwreck.


Is there even a train to wreck anymore? Maybe I’m in a bubble but I can’t imagine any more than a % or 2 of people in my corner of the earth even register the slightest concern about covid anymore.

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going by the numbers things are “fine” compared to what they were the last few winters arent they?. i think the risk is new variants or a second pandemic of something like flu that wipes out what’s left of a healthcare system clearly under strain. idk how many nurses you guys know but the ones I do are all working like 18 hours at a time and shit, it wasn’t like this before. plus there’s a big backlog of real illness that covid swallowed that’s rearing its head too.

I mean ~nobody is going to care, but the death and disability is going to keep coming, the healthcare system is going to be continuously stressed, etc.

My fiancee said the nursing social media groups she’s in have more chatter about possibly a new variant, that they’ve been seeing more severe cases of COVID coming in. I told her it might not be a variant, it might just be waning protection from vaccines.

267,000 people died of COVID in USA#1 last year, and I’m sure when they do the excess death data it’s going to be higher than that. At some point it’s going to be tricky to calculate what a baseline is anymore, but it’s now clear that COVID causes strokes, heart attacks, etc.

Yep it’s just another thing that kills a couple 100k olds a year. In a few years we’ll never think about boosters again imo.

Yeah. I’m obviously not going to get one if there’s a shortage and others need it but otherwise I see zero downside, esp if they can mix in a seasonal flu shot.

We’re clearly on a path to nobody thinking about boosters at all. It’s just crazy to me that like 30-40% of people get flu shots every year, but something that kills more people is an afterthought trending towards < 5% vaccination rates.

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many 70yo don’t want their boosters. even those who are not right leaning. the logic is faulty but they say vax reaction is worse than recovery from infection.

Yeah and this is only going to get worse. My fiancee had a four hour lecture yesterday in nursing school about how the vaccines are killing more people than COVID by causing heart attacks and myocarditis.

The lecture was supposed to be about heart attacks and heart conditions having nothing to do with COVID or vaccines. But her right wing professor had other ideas.

I know she is walking on eggshells at school, but that professor needs to be reported. Maybe after she graduates.


That’s my thinking. For now it would be blatantly obvious who reported her. It’s ironic, for all the screeching about leftist professors indoctrinating students, you’ve got this asshole professor spewing anti-science anti-vaxx bullshit for hours on end, intimidating/bullying students, and going completely unchecked.

Seems like they’re doing the right things and so far, it seems like it’s not causing major issues in the people being exposed. So that’s good.


Crosspost from that other site. I know the Hause featured in the article. Worked with him when he was fresh out of undergrad before he got into animal health and went back to get his PhD.


This seems crazy, is this program associated with any sort of large research university in any way? Most would flip out if had someone teaching antivax stuff

Not as far as I know, it’s a community college.