COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

As did domestic violence.

Welp, my fiancee is no longer on Team NOVID. After her bachelorette party this weekend, she looked really sick last night and was coughing a lot overnight. She popped positive this morning, and we have managed to get her Paxlovid already and we had metformin on hand to take in preparation of eventually catching it. So hopefully it’s mild and no lasting effects, we’re giving her the best severe/long COVID prevention meds based on all the studies so far. She actually feels fine today and is coughing way less and has no fever so that’s good.

I’m negative as of last night and as of this morning, but I was in the car with her all day yesterday and we were together in a hotel all left night, so we’ll see. I’ve been coughing a little and I’ve had a slight sore throat, hopefully my immune system is just cranking up and beating it. We’ll see. Gonna test daily and start Paxlovid and Metformin if I pozz.

Today it’s go N95s go.


Also I did not catch Covid when my wife had it despite spending the entire day together when she started having covid symptoms.

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Looks like my dad gave covid to all his siblings and my mom while they were on vacation together, and separately, MrsWookie pozzed yesterday. Covid confirmed over(coming the immune systems enough to infect people all over the place right now).

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I’m very close to getting my 2nd bivalent booster but myturn is still saying it’s for 65+. do I just tell them I have an immune condition?

Seems to be going around, I would have made bet I had COVID last week but 3 different test brands were negative on different days

covid continues to be everywhere in the ER

At this point aren’t you better to wait a month for the new monovalent XBB boosters allegedly coming at the end of September?

oh, I dont know. I guess I could. I’m still not pozzed, want to maintain the streak

You could make a case for bivalent now, monovalent in Nov/Dec if one hasn’t had two bivalents. Obviously this isn’t medical advice and I’m not a doctor or epidemiologist. But there were studies showing imprinting issues with the immune response that were solved by two bivalents. But that could also cause imprinting to the bivalent and weaken the next one.

There’s also the question of whether a wave now means a lull in the winter.

Feels like a choose your own adventure situation. Could really make an intelligent argument for a few different paths.

Going to hold out for the iPhone 15 newest booster, still novid afaik. Haven’t masked for a bunch of months now. Did see a 30s 40s white dude in a mask yesterday which is extremely rare for where I live, I’m assuming he was actually sick and being mindful, but still an extremely improbable event here.

I’m travelling to California next week by airplane, so I’m masking for the two weeks leading up to it because I don’t want to get sick in a state I can’t drive home from. Here’s hoping…. Furthest trip I’ve made since Covid started.

Laws of House of God got you covered, it’s in the book so you know it’s good advice

X. If you don’t take a temperature, you can’t find a fever.

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Ha this was 100% my first thought

Still on Team NOVID. Sore throat but not severe. Mild cough. Temp got up to 99.1. Gooooooo immune system, go.

Maybe you should get a PCR test?

Yeah that’s probably a good idea.

Drink some OJ and watch some Netflix, works great even if you aren’t pozzed.

Another bachelorette party attendant pozzed, so that’s 3/6 including my fiancee. The other two were negative on nasal swabs and positive with a throat swab included. The first one is having a rough go of it, fever and chills, feels very sick despite Paxlovid. But she’s about a year removed from her last booster. The other one isn’t having any bad symptoms. My fiancee feels great other than the Paxlovid taste.

Took a PCR test this evening, should get results tomorrow or the next day. Still negative on rapid test.

Drank Bai antioxidant water and watched YouTube vlogs, so pretty close. Also ate some spicy food for the immune system, and about to give it a good night’s sleep.

When my fiancee tested positive I figured there was a 90-95% chance I had caught it. Now I’m thinking I’m like 65% to have it, 35% to fade it. If I survive tomorrow maybe a flip?


The first time my wife got it she had just been vaccinated, I hadn’t been vaccinated yet (she’s a nurse she got it like 3-4 months before I could get it and I took extreme measures to get mine asap) and we spent an entire day where she was just starting to be symptomatic in a car looking at houses… somehow all I got was a severe case of hypochondria.