COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

If your resting HR is in the 110s that’s something that should be addressed

That high? My normal resting heart rate while sleeping is 48-60, so I’d assume laying down but awake would be in the 60s so it was nearly doubled.

That said my fever did hit 102-103 on a couple occasions.

dr’s just say “stress”

For sure

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Oh wow, well that’s a relief. Been rotating the Advil and Tylenol and they seem to keep it in the 99 range for several hours, then when it starts creeping up I’ll take another one. But last night going to bed I was fine (99ish) so I just took 500mg Tylenol, maybe I should have gone the full 1000. It was maybe 5 or 6 hours later I woke up and was a mess.

Can I ask why you’re trying to keep the fever down so much? At night when you’re trying to sleep I get but I don’t know that I’d be every two hour rotating during the day like that. I once did that and my blood pressure shot up.

I must just be a wuss but I literally feel like I might die, shaking, hardly able to walk anytime I have an actual fever which turned out I think only times Ive had a fever in last decade was 2nd COVID shot and actual COVID so I had forgotten how miserable it is to have a fever. But once I treat the fever I’m essentially normal

The ER remains the leading indicator

(There’s graphs in the tweet)



I’m only taking the Advil/Tylenol if the fever hits ~101. Initially held off til 102. It’s more like ~8 hours between doses of one or the other. Trying to let the fever do its job, but also trying to keep it from spiking too high overnight.

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Is it time for another booster yet? I’d rather not get this for the 4th time. :harold:

OK don’t go overboard with fluids. Maybe get some juice or gatorade or something with electrolytes if you’re pissing that much.

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Yeah it really isn’t necessary to go all out on water or whatever


Oh wow… ok a few things that I’m taking informed guesses on:

  1. There’s actually a reasonable possibility that HCQ caused a cardiac arrest. There’s a specific EKG abnormality that happens called QTc prolongation that HCQ causes that can lead to your heart going into a fatal arrhythmia. I’ve seen two cardiac arrests in the setting of acute covid using HCQ (we were also prescribing azithromycin, which can potentiate this affect). It will be difficult to prove that HCQ actually caused this though, HCQ is quite safe. AFLDS is in a tough spot because they didn’t do any sort of due diligence before prescribing it… plus there’s no upside.

  2. More interestingly imo, it seems like they don’t have malpractice insurance to me, which would be fucking absurd. I can’t imagine how they could possibly make an argument that they don’t have a physician-patient relationship unless they don’t have malpractice insurance. MP insurance is super expensive but they defend you from this type of shit. It’s also extremely expensive to defend, even if you win. They could easily be fucked by this.

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Is it considered standard of care to do an EKG before starting though? Because not sure how doing a H/P would actually mitigate this specific risk for him unless turns out he had known hx some cardiac issues that would lead them to do an EKG if they knew about it? Feels like statistically way more likely the COVID caused the arrhythmia right?

Obviously I think they should go down for being shady as fuck prescribing scam medicine but just kinda curious about rest

Feeling quite a bit better now. Last night was the first night I didn’t wake up covered in sweat, so that was nice. Still tired, but I seem to be able to engage in normal activities like a morning walk without feeling fatigued. Haven’t tried to work out yet, though. I’ve been having some weird skin sensitivity since COVID, but it’s improved a bit each day. My arms are back to normal, my chest and stomach are still feeling sensitive to the touch. I’ve had minor chest pain, which is super concerning, but I’ll probably give it a week or two and then go to the doctor if it persists.

My fiancee feels totally wiped out if she’s on her feet for more than like 15 minutes still, so that’s concerning but I guess par for the course for some people with covid. Her friend is having some vision issues post-covid, but they seem to be improving a little each day.

Yeah I was doing maybe 20% gatorade zero and 80% water. I think the Paxlovid was making my mouth feel dry and thus making me drink a lot more than usual.


They never established he had covid. He simply had an exposure and no symptoms. His death certificate is directly linked, which is nice. Covid is not mentioned.

also holy shit every one has covid

Yep, seems like if you’ve been on a plane lately you are pozzed. Found out my mom caught it and is taking mulnupiravir (sp?) and not paxlovid this time. Not sure if that is normal or what. She’s in her late 70’s and apparently the doc said it was good for “older folks”.