COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Guess I’m getting to the age when I have to worry about shingles.

Had it when I was 30. Do not recommend. It was extremely unenjoyable. Get the vax.

So can we assume that the chicken pox vaccinated generation will have no need for the shingles vax?

They might get it because of waning immunity. I don’t think it has been decided yet.

Countries like Britain chose not to do the chickenpox vaccine because they were concerned about not exposing older people to varicella continuously to keep shingles away.

That ended up being wrong

So the assumption was that routine exposure kept kept the lysogen from becoming lytic. Odd thinking because all the lytic events I’m aware of in response to a stimuli/stress. For example sun exposure gives me a cold sore.

Or rather they were thinking that the body can clean up after lytic events if there are “fresher” memory cells/antibodies??

(Lysogen is the form of the virus that inserts into the host DNA)

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The fresher hypothesis.

Turns out not getting it at all was better

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2x Pfizer flu in veins, still novid afaik

Called today before driving over there. They have the new vaccine in but no insurance is covering it yet so they aren’t giving it. They said everyone is having to reschedule, which is a nightmare for old people because it’s so difficult to do so. Pharmacists words, not mine.

What a fucking shit show.

I made my appointment for next saturday, hopefully it’s figured out by then.

kroger not even booking appointments yet, fuck this shit

I did the same, but just got a call from the pharmacy that they were able to get mine to go through. They only have 20 shots available, which also seems absurd. But will be happy to get it in my arm.

Any reports on if side effects are as bad as usual with this version? All the others hit me very hard.

Pfizer #who knows what wasn’t great this time around, didn’t sleep much because I assume I ran a fever, had a dream that I was struggling to get out of a hot bath in which I was fully clothed.

Well, new moderna is in my left arm and flu in my right. Heres to hoping the next two days don’t suck.


I mean I feel ok right, just sleepy AF don’t think I’m going to make it to my normal bedtime and check out early. But yeah as long as they keep pumping these out I’m gonna keep getting vaxxed. It seems like one feverish night is much better than some of the recent pozzes we have had.

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Britain seems to be pretty bad about vaccine science in general, so this is not surprising.

Almost 24hr update. Yesterday I felt mostly fine. Took tylenol before going to bed. Made it through the night with less discomfort and fever than the previous shots, only waking up two or three times with chills until 5:40ish when I work up and stayed up feeling like shit. It sucks, but always fascinating how your body reacts to science juice. Today is going to be not fun, but worth it. Would do again 10/10.


booked to get the new jab tomorrow at 10:30 am.


My appointment for tomorrow at CVS was cancelled due to it “not being in.” Rescheduled for Friday. Here’s hoping. Still can’t find any appointments for the kids. Fuck this country. Has probably the second worst vaccine policies of any western country, leading only the UK.

my wife says I should not get the flu vaccine tomorrow due to it being “too early” and that I should wait until like october - this sounds like fancy play syndrome, right? I should just get it now, it’s not going to get reformulated between now and whatever she thinks the optimal time to get it is?

It’s probably fps. You’re basically trying to time it since the flu vaccine doens’t last that long, so if Flu is still rampant in, say, March, but isn’t rampant two weeks from now that’s not great. On the other hand, you’re talking about weeks here, in the long run unlikely to matter.

Also is a shit bullshit website that is full of lies. It says there are tons of available appointments for kids. All lies.