COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

It is definitely not free anymore. Your insurance should cover it though

Got my first pfizer shot of the pandemic this morning. Arm is sore (actually really the arm I got the flu shot in is sore). Getting 330 mbps download speeds on my iPhone though so that’s pretty sweet.


Still can’t get an appointment anywhere for my 4 year old.

welcome to the club

@CaffeineNeeded I’ve got a bad residual cough from being sick with something or other that wasn’t covid a week or so ago. I’ve been taking Robitussin DM at night which has dextromethorphan and guafenesin to sleep without coughing all night. Any reason to think that taking that tonight might interfere with the vaccine? I’ll skip if I have to but would enjoy not coughing all night.

Nah those don’t suppress your immune system

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I got flu and COVID shots (and gave blood) yesterday AM. So far side effects are pretty mild. The COVID arm hurts more than the flu arm. Other than that just achy and fatigued, but that could also just be regular 50 year old ache and fatigue.


I woke up with a low grade fever last night, lasted a few hours, but I feel fine now.


free covid tests are back

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I am sure we all remember how kids don’t spread covid, but nevertheless my youngest tested positive this morning. And the power went out at my older girl’s elementary school after she was already on the bus, so I got to deal with a cluster fuck of picking her up at the middle school. Just a great morning so far.


Still impossible to get a covid shot for a 4 year old, anywhere. I called the CDC hotline. No appointments anywhere in New York State. Vaccine is being reported as widely available, but it’s not, anywhere, and nobody seems to care. My doctor’s office has no plans or ability to get it or administer it either. If you go to it reports that it’s widely available at CVS, but that’s just CVS lying to the CDC because CVS won’t administer shots for under 5’s.

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yea I still cant get an appointment with a pharmacy that isn’t out of it.

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@MrWookie , you having any luck getting your kids vaxxed in California?

FWIW I just looked online and I can make an appointment for my 14 year old at multiple pharmacies for any day this week including today. This is at Walgreens.

What state? Walgreens is showing no availability no matter what zip code i put in anywhere in New York State.


wife and son got the jab yesterday, walgreens was reporting that they had it all over town but if you make an appointment within 10 minutes you get an automated call from the pharmacy that they do not in fact have it

called kroger, they had plenty and they walked in and got it, walked out within about 20 minutes

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I went to my CVS vax appointment today and said they had no shots left. They are cancelling 10x more appointments than fulfilled ones. Not sure if local ineptitude or what.

like pvn said, i can also book appointments but if you call pharmacy they say they are out, if you book the appointment they will call you

My wife got Covid/flu shots this weekend at CVS in Los Angeles. Appointment made the week prior. No insurance hiccups or anything. In and out in 5 minutes.