Crapto thread: Going Blind to own the poors

Takes about 4500 degrees Celsius to melt a diamond, so that’s a hell of a fire.

Yeah, but do you know how much energy it takes to burn the NFT of the diamond?

If there is oxygen available then a diamond will not melt, it will burn and does so at about 850 Celsius. House fires can definitely reach that temperature leaving you with some CO2 gas where you diamond used to be.


Did not know that.

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what an idiot:

His bail, which includes a $250 million bond, became an issue after the New York Times on July 20 published an article containing excerpts from his former romantic partner Caroline Ellison’s personal Google documentsprior to FTX’s collapse.

Bankman-Fried, 31, acknowledged sharing the documents with a Times reporter.

an idiot for doing this, doubly an idiot for then admitting it. This kind of behavior, and honestly this whole thing in general, clearly is from a person who has never had to face any consequence for anything in his life. He’s gonna go to a cushy federal prison, unfortunately. I’d love to see him do gen pop at san quentin.


I’m just gonna assume this is true

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A spokesperson for Bankman-Fried declined to comment. His lawyers have until Aug. 1 to respond to the government’s letter.


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I looked into this, it has a very captain-esque conspiracy “omg look at this account’s sentence structure” level of evidence. Could be him, but given that he’s not even allowed to have internet access, seems unlikely, unless he’s stupider than he seems (he seems pretty stupid).


lol seems more likely that someone successfully bet they could get rich pretending to be the most famous scammer & future felon in the crypto space to scam more people out of their crypto


I feel like it’s this. SBF almost certainly has way more than 13M stashed away somewhere if we’re talking dirty money. If he got caught doing this (and I don’t think he’s smart enough to avoid getting caught, the news is already out if he did do this) he’d probably be sending himself to jail to await trial. I have a suspicion he’s trying to minimize how much time he spends in jail at this point.


Man he’s going to regret pulling that shit ten years in.

One thing I never understood, and this is as a former prosecutor, is why billionaires who are dead to rights don’t flee. How hard could it be to use some of his, surely squirreled away wealth, to charter a boat to a non-extradition country?

Narcissism! The Nissan guy got out of Japan in the cargo hold of a PJ with 100x more security. It’s truly insane.

Isn’t that Malaysian scammer guy Jho Low or whatever his name is still not in jail?

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That same money buys a lot of justice too

Yeah the Nissan one was a wild one. I’m surprised shit like that doesn’t happen constantly. I guess you’re right though, SBF seems delusional.

Sure, for your run of the mill case maybe. But SBF? He’s uberfucked.

What’s the best non-extradition country to live in?

If you’re rich? Probably a bunch in the Middle East.

I guess, but uh, not my idea of a great life.

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