Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

2 Seed: Beauty and the Beast – Beauty and the Beast


18 Seed: I Won’t Say I’m in Love - Hercules

#2 Beauty and the Beast – Beauty and the Beast vs. #18 I Won’t Say I’m in Love - Hercules
  • #2 Beauty and the Beast – Beauty and the Beast
  • #18 I Won’t Say I’m in Love - Hercules
0 voters

7 Seed: Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid


23 Seed: Be Prepared - Lion King

#7 Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid vs. #23 Be Prepared - Lion King
  • #7 Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
  • #23 Be Prepared - Lion King
0 voters
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3 Seed: Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah – Song of the South


19 Seed: Try Everything - Zootopia

#3 Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah – Song of the South vs. #19 Try Everything - Zootopia
  • #3 Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah – Song of the South
  • #19 Try Everything - Zootopia
0 voters

I’m fine with this. Perfectly fine.

The rest of the results are also good! Especially the Hawaiian juggernaut taking down dum dum skeleton head.

Under the Sea vs Touch the Sky

I’m gonna need a week to decide this one

And the final, and dare I say marquee matchup for this block:

6 Seed: Friend Like Me – Aladdin


11 Seed: Hakuna Matata - Lion King

#6 Friend Like Me – Aladdin vs. #11 Hakuna Matata - Lion King
  • #6 Friend Like Me – Aladdin
  • #11 Hakuna Matata - Lion King
0 voters

I hadn’t seen Brave, but Touch the Sky certainly grew on me through this competition. It done walked into a juggernaut, though.

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I predict a blowout

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Easiest of all. I love Hakuna but c’mon.

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For me, it wasn’t close on a re-listen, but I’m not surprised Hakuna has its passionate fans.

I struggled because my initial instinct was, ldo, Hakuna Matata. And then I relistened and thought Friend Like Me was the better song. But after realizing I can still pretty much sing the entirety of Hakuna Matata 25 years later, I had to stick with Hakuna Matata.


Our other upsets are How Far I’ll Go taking down This Is Halloween by a single vote

  • Under the Sea. Next.
  • Kiss the Girl is nowhere near as good. Coco song far better and it’s sad to see it’s getting stomped.
  • LOL Man or Muppet. By far the most overseeded song in the tournament. Yeah, it won an Oscar. But there was only one other nominee that year.
  • Pour Unfortunate Souls in a battle of 2 pretty decent songs.
  • Beauty and the Beast isn’t really 2 seed great, but it’s a lot better than this Hercules song.
  • Be Prepared one of the most underrated villain songs out there. Glad it made it this far.
  • Zip is a lot of fun. Trying to judge the song on the merits rather than the other stuff about that film.
  • Hakuna Matata should be crushing this, and I’m baffled as to why it’s not.

Aladdin songs over performing imo has been my biggest surprise of this tournament so far.

This is the one song Man or Muppet beat out for the Oscar:

I don’t really care for the last 20 or so seconds of the song, but I dig the overall samba feel. I don’t think the right song won.

Seeding the Oscar winners first was intended to squash quibbling over seeding songs from the same movie, mainly. I didn’t realize it was such a low bar some years.

  1. I really like Touch the Sky, perhaps my favorite song in this bracket that was new to me before we started it. But it can’t unseat Under the Sea, which looks like it has a pretty good shot to make the fantabulous four from this set.
  2. Un Poco Loco is hurt by being too short, by being sung by a kid, and, perhaps mainly, by the fact that the song is used as a gimmick to distract the in-movie crowd rather than as an emotional hook for the movie’s audience. Kiss the Girl is a whole story within a story that I think does a better job of getting you invested in the stakes at hand compared with Un Poco Loco.
  3. I Just Can’t Wait For My Dad to Die is a bit macabre, but there are plenty of songs already eliminated that should be here instead of Man or Muppet (You’re Welcome, I’ve Got a Dream, God Help the Outcasts, and others) if it weren’t for how I stated the rules. Alas, but it won’t be here long.
  4. Ursula really brings it on Poor Unfortunate Souls, and In Summer’s one joke isn’t enough.
  5. Beauty and the Beast certainly isn’t the most bombastic song, but I love how Angela Lansbury sings it. Easy choice.
  6. When I was thinking about the biggest Disney hits have in common, one of them is that even just the first few notes of the song take you right into the movie. “Look at this stuff?” certainly does that. Another commonality, and I think a big reason why so many of these songs resonated so powerfully with so many kids of a certain age when they came out, is that the songs are about getting out from under the thumbs of your parents. Because really, who hasn’t yearned for that sometime by the time you’re 12? This is one of the finest on the subject (Let It Go and I Just Can’t Wait to be King being others, and we have some more to come).
  7. This is a song I’ve heard so much, and yet I’m not sure I’ve ever heard this version. James Baskett’s singing is really good, but I can’t in good conscience vote for a song that comes right out of minstrelsy and sung by a guy who thankfully isn’t in a full minstrel getup but is still basically playing the part.
  8. Ah yes, no worries about … basic hygiene? That’s the only thing they’re not letting concern them. No wonder it’s a bunch of social outcasts who’re the only ones who can tolerate each other. Too many farts. Meanwhile, Friend Like Me slaps. Great trumpet riff to start, and turn Robin Williams loose.

Last call for votes!

The Little Mermaid came into the battle with 4 songs. Somehow, all those songs ended up in this region of the bracket. They have yet to pair off against each other (that is soon to change), and they went 4/4 this round. Meanwhile, The Lion King didn’t fare as well. It had the most songs in this round of the bracket with 5, but with Hakuna Matata and Be Prepared suffering losses, we know it will be no higher than second with 3 behind The Little Mermaid’s 4.

The other four songs to advance on top of the Little Mermaid Quartet are Beauty and the Beast and I Just Can’t Wait to be King, both in dominating fashion, and Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah and Friend Like Me in narrower victories. Man or Muppet is our second Oscar winner to go down, but it was hardly a surprise. No unanimous decisions this block, either.

Hakuna Matata going down this round was criminal.


Next Block!

1 Seed: A Whole New World – Aladdin


11 Seed: Once Upon a Dream - Sleeping Beauty

#1 A Whole New World – Aladdin vs. #16 Once Upon a Dream - Sleeping Beauty
  • #1 A Whole New World – Aladdin
  • #16 Once Upon a Dream - Sleeping Beauty
0 voters