Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

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Ohhhh no worries I didn’t check and thought I must have listed it inside the Ten. I have trouble remembering things.

I put it in the bonus because I figured it was not eligible and so would not count against any unnamed noms.

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OK, I’m going to put up a LAST CALL for noms. I’ll lock in the bracket and start voting tomorrow.

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Alright, we’re all done. One hundred five songs from you fuckers. I did manual seeding through the 16 seeds, and the remainder were assigned randomly. All of our top seeds and all songs with 3 or more nominations have a first round bye. I found a separate website to track the bracket that I’ll share here after making sure it works OK, but voting will be here. I think we’ll do ~8 pairings at a time that’ll be open for 3 days, because more means listening to Disney songs turns into a job. There are 41 pairings in the first round, so it’ll be a bit to work through this.

That’s not a job. That’s a lifestyle.

OK, bracket visible here:

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16 Seed: Married Life - UP


17 Seed: Let’s Go Fly a Kite - Marry Poppins

#16 Married Life vs. #17 Let’s Go Fly a Kite
  • #16 Married Life - UP
  • #17 Let’s Go Fly a Kite - Mary Poppins
0 voters

8 Seed: Jack’s Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas


25 Seed: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Mary Poppins

#8 Jack’s Lament vs #25 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  • #8 Jack’s Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • #25 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Mary Poppins
0 voters

#9 Prince Ali - Aladdin


#24 This Land - The Lion King

#9 Prince Ali vs. #24 This Land
  • #9 Prince Ali - Aladdin
  • #24 This Land - The Lion King
0 voters

looks like this one closes in an hour

Thanks, fixed.

#13 Baby Mine - Dumbo


#20 Nobody Like U - Turning Red

#13 Baby Mine vs. #20 Nobody Like U
  • #13 Baby Mine - Dumbo
  • #20 Nobody Like U - Turning Red
0 voters

#12 I Wanna Be Like You – Jungle Book


#21 Davy Crockett – Davy Crockett

#12 I Wanna Be Like You vs. Davy Crockett
  • #12 I Wanna Be Like You - The Jungle Book
  • #21 Davy Crockett - Davy Crockett
0 voters

#15 One Jump Ahead - Aladdin


#18 Sugar Rush - Wreck it Ralph

#15 One Jump Ahead vs. #18 Sugar Rush
  • #15 One Jump Ahead - Aladdin
  • #18 Sugar Rush - Wreck It Ralph
0 voters

#7 Do You Want to Build a Snowman - Frozen


#26 Derezzed - Tron: Legacy

#7 Do You Want to Build a Snowman vs. #26 Derezzed
  • #7 Do You Want to Build a Snowman - Frozen
  • #26 Derezzed - Tron: Legacy
0 voters

And the final matchup of this first block of this first round:

#10 When She Loved Me - Toy Story 2


#23 I 2 I - A Goofy Movie

#10 When She Loved Me vs. #23 I 2 I
  • #10 When She Loved Me - Toy Story 2
  • #23 I 2 I - A Goofy Movie
0 voters

The only hard decision in the entire bracket

Yeah, that’s the hardest one for me, too.

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Playing all of these before voting. When I played snowman my 4 year old gasped, came over to me, and started smiling and dancing. Obviously the correct answer.

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  • Married Life easily. That Kite song is annoying.
  • I can get behind this Mary Poppins song.
  • I think Prince Ali is a bit overseeded, but okay with it winning here.
  • Maybe the Turning Red song would have meant more to me if I had seen the movie, but I did not like that at all.
  • I actually like that Davy Crockett song quite a bit, but just a brutal first round matchup.
  • One Jump Ahead is a banger. Haven’t looked at the bracket, but there are probably some 2 seeds that I would vote against because of this.
  • Tron song was not Daft Punk’s best.
  • The Goofy song? I guess?