ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

The fine people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania put in some work today…



How many swing states can Ds get abortion and/or weed on the ballot in 24?

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I think the better strategy is just to mention in every single press appearance and campaign ad that Republicans want a national ban on abortion, and run against it.

(In part because it’s currently relatively safe in most swing states, I think - MI has a constitutional protection, PA state supreme court is now 5-2, NV is safe. AZ and GA have bans in place or soon to be in place, and I think WI and VA are somewhat debatable still but the current power holders will protect it.) (Link)

Letcher County was one of the counties that got absolutely crushed by floods last year. It turns out responding with compassion to tragedy is a political cheat code.

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In a good sign for the future of the country, the Pennsylvania Republicans lined up a bunch of looney tunes candidates for school boards this year, and the voters told them to shove it up their ass. All the right leaning areas in the collar counties around Philly went blue on the school boards, it seems.

I can’t sit down at a poker table without hearing some clown ranting about this stuff it seems, but thankfully the craziest guy at the average poker table is not the median voter.




Antonin Scalia: still dead!


Man this thread is giving me the feels. What a shockingly good day. Would be so cool if national dems could learn something from this.



Here’s another way to think about this fundamental problem for the GOP in the new alignment we’re seeing. The right wing derposphere gets views and clicks and keeps the ratings up by talking all that crazy shit about radical teachers brainwashing the kids and letting them identify as cats. So then those candidates win primaries. Then they get shredded in generals because everyone living in the real world is like, “WTF is this shit?”

I think it’s going to be pretty hard for them to put the toothpaste back in the tube, and the same goes for the split between the part of their base that wants a federal abortion ban and the part that wants to win elections. I’d expect halfway decent Dem incumbent candidates to outperform current expectations - like Brown, Tester, Manchin, etc are all drawing super live. Anyone but Biden should stomp this party right now.

Hopefully Biden still can, since he’s gonna be the guy.

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I think this is new? Like tons of these freaks won elections around the country and are currently on school boards, the fact they took big Ls today may be reversing that trend.

They won and enacted looney policies. Before that they just had an R next to their name. The normies just didn’t vote. They are now. Hopefully it’s a long term trend.

Tragic Death of the Republican Party ITT.


Just saw that the Democratic Candidate for Governor in Mississippi was anti-abortion. LOL DEMOCRATS.

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Before we get too excited about last night, need to remember the path to holding the senate in 2024 is winning 3/4 of AZ, MT, OH, and WV to get to 50/50 and holding the presidency for the tiebreaker.

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Yeah, I think there’s a little too much hopium going on here.

To be clear, this was a much better night than what could have been, but there are some asterisks to each of the major stories.

Kentucky - Beshear won, but it is not uncommon for governors to buck the trend of the way the state votes overall. Kansas has a Democratic governor. Maryland and Massachusetts had Republican governors at the start of the year. Vermont still does.

Virginia - Democrats got both houses, but it was still very close. I don’t see Virginia turning red in a presidential election, but I don’t think it’s a 100% slam dunk either.

Ohio - Yay for abortions and weed. But we’ve seen this type of shit before and been disappointed. Florida votes for things like higher minimum wages and voting rights for felons and still sends fucksticks to the senate and votes for Trump twice.

So, yeah. Good night, but very far from the Republican party dying. I think Manchin is turbo-fucked, Tester is in massive trouble, and I wouldn’t bet on Sherrod either. And there’s still AZ/NV/PA/WI/MI that all have to hold, not to mention the presidency.

I’d still say that a national trifecta for 2024 is more likely for Republicans than Democrats (though to be clear, I don’t think either are likely).

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Who are Dems going to run for TX Senate? Not impossible, literally everyone hates Ted Cruz.

Seems like this guy is the favorite as of right now:

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And fwiw it’s worth, I think the WAAF was pegged in the red after the Times poll and last night should bring a glimmer.

There are two binary choices about voting. Rs are working overtime to motivate people to go the polls to vote against them. The wildcard is how much does Trump supporter enthusiasm and Biden meh way in.

The second choice is pulling a lever. IMO there is very little in the way of swing voters. Trump is just too polarizing. If someone is anti-Trump they will vote Biden no matter how badly they would like a different D candidate.

I’m still scared out of my wits that Trump wins in 24, so I’m taking a dose of Hopium as a form of Copium.


Inject this straight into my veins

colin is awesome.

he’s been texting for senate run donations at a crazy clip. i hope that’s a sign they are getting decent financing via that stream. i would hope anyone who donated and voted beto supports him. y’all should too

yeah this is a no brainer, abortion is like 100x more powerful than the dumb shit Youngkin was peddling to win before dobbs (“parental choice” and anti-CRT baloney). This shit is way, way more activating than the culture war, which is really all the GOP has.