ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

We need more young small donor funded candidates basically. This stuff is super popular to run on so there’s plenty of political incentive there. There’s going to be a significant cultural shift in the political landscape when it’s run by millennials just like there were significant cultural shifts in the political landscape when boomers took over from the greatest generation.

When you start talking 5+ years in the future what’s possible gets so hard to accurately call that all you can really do IMO is say ‘this could theoretically happen if xyz happened’. Predicting the future is a suckers game lol. To be right much you gotta make a lot of predictions lol.




his ads were like “tate reeves says I support sex change operations for minors, that is NOT TRUE” just absolute weak ass shit

LOL good luck with that


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So, old men and Karens?

The reason for the sharp Gen X/millennial split on abortion is quite interesting - I think there’s a lot of evidence it has mostly to do with religion. Abortion, no matter what bullshit reasons people say, is mostly a religious issue for people that are “pro-life.” Millennials, depending on who you ask, are about 50/50 split between “religious” and “nothing” compared to 70+% religious for Gen X and higher for boomers. Probably having access to the internet at a much younger age than Gen X did this, but who knows. Think it’s the likely culprit there though.

even more interesting to see how millennials report religiosity over time. they’re getting less religious over time, which is actually hilarious and totally goes against what boomers have been saying for years and implies there are broad chunks of formerly religious millennials out there that have just up and left the church. gee wonder why


Might have something to do with cherry picking like 7 things from the bible (all hateful, mostly from the old testament) and entirely disregarding the rest. If the American church has a revival it won’t be this right wing bullshit they’ve been on during my lifetime.

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People need religion so there will always be a church. People are just turning to even stupider shit like astrology and mysticism instead now. But, this misses out on an important factor of church, which is this concept of a “third” place - (first two being work and home) that revolves around a shared sense of community.

If someone came out with a reasonable religious-y christian thing that didnt surround itself with stupid prudish shit like abstinence, horrific misogyny, pro life stuff, and general MAGA bullshit I imagine there’s a huge crowd for it. I stopped being a militant atheist a long time ago and now believe people really truly need this stuff for some reason.

but yea there’s almost no reason to visit a church as a millennial anymore unless to use it as a “find a spouse” engine, at which point you’d just stop going.

lololol, yes please make abortion the GOP’s signature issue, that’s going to work out great for you guys. Man, the GOP campaign consultants really are as dumb as the Democratic ones.

I think it’s a lot simpler. People under 40 are way more likely to find themselves in need of an abortion than people over 40.

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if that’s the case you will then see millennials shift as they age which i really do not think will happen. it also does not really explain why men’s vote is so close to women’s either, single digits. they’ve been saying for decades that millennials will skew conservative as they age and if anything it’s probably been the opposite trend in most categories

A lot of our political research that says things like ‘people tend to get more conservative as they age’ only has at most a hundred years of data. I don’t know how to tell the people confidently saying this but I was a poker player once and that is not enough of a sample size to know you’re right. Knowing that two generations (that also became MUCH wealthier as they aged and right on time) became more conservative is not the same as knowing that people get more conservative as they age… and I think that’s what we’re finding out now.

There’s a very good chance that most data based social/political science research has a sample roughly equivalent to a thousand hands of poker.


Fact check: no

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And LOL, you don’t have a “brand” problem, you have a “who we actually are” problem, which is old white creeps who want to end democracy.

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Yeah their brand problem is that they are selling everyone but the 500 richest households in the country a shit sandwich. Their policies are bad for literally everyone else. Even people worth 50-100M are arguably worse off than they would be under Democratic rule, because under Democratic rule the economy would be better and they would make more money.

You only want to hold everyone else down to maintain the kind of power over your own reality that only the stratospherically wealthy can achieve. If you don’t have a billion dollars the GOP is screwing you, and if you do have a billion dollars I think there’s a really good argument to be made they’re screwing you as well.

Boosting short term results (for the top 500 families) at the expense of long term stability just isn’t a very good product even for the direct beneficiaries IMO.

I have a theory that this is not true, simply because their definition of “better off” is strictly a comparison of their standing relative to the poorest.

There was a study (damned if I can find it) that demonstrated this wasn’t true at all. What the study found was that liberals tended to be poorer, and as a result, tended to die younger. This caused the skew that made it seem like “people get more conservative as they age.”

The good christian on my fb going off about issue 1 passing is a vote against freedom? And now the predators can get her kids transgender surgeries and abortions without her consent. It’s apparently already happening in California and Colorado. And now the “gloves are going to come off.”

These people are not well.

Legitimately mentally ill. Social media is an absolute cancer on society.

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That kind of nuttery isn’t new. I had adults whispering conspiracy theories at me about the shape of Bill Clinton’s penis in the late 90’s. What’s new is that the crazy people can group together and exchange positive feedback, and that’s super dangerous to them and everyone else.

There were always incels, conspiracy theory loons, and every other flavor of broken brain imaginable… but when they get together into groups things can get silly.