ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

There was a ton of crazy conspiracy shit in the 90s, but it was just fringe idiots with newsletters and AM radio. Now it’s all mainstream and normalized, cringe stuff that would have embarrassed Republicans back then is all mainstream now. It’s the mix of Fox News plus social media that completely mindfucked an entire generation. All the village idiots can get together now into a big self-reinforcing cult.

Looks like full steam ahead for Biden, claiming this is his victory and the implication is that means he should continue his run. Seems like a quiet internal party war under the surface.


“Andy should run for president. Now,” the senior aide to a battleground Democrat said. Biden won “by the skin of his teeth” in key swing states in 2020, the aide said, arguing that Democrats should nominate someone who shows promise for charting a new course for the party instead of threatening retreat.

“Andy would destroy Trump, on optics alone,” the aide said. “He looks good on stage, he sounds good — doesn’t sound like he has dementia. It’s like, ‘OK, he’s from Kentucky, he can’t be that radical.’ Boom. All of a sudden we win Ohio, too, and then we expand the Senate.”

Senior aide to Sherrod Brown, perhaps?

idiotic beliefs isnt what mental illness actually is

it’s insulting to mentally ill people

You can definitely be mentally ill and not be an unpleasant asshole that thinks the world revolves around them. That’s nearly always what it boils down to. Mental illness + some profoundly incorrect beliefs + massive amounts of self centeredness absolutely without any real introspection.

I think some of the old pejorative words for mental illness really need to have their meaning shifted to mean certain types of wildly unacceptable behaviors and beliefs.

Like I would never call you crazy, but I will happily call every single person who went to J6 crazy. That was a crazy thing to do. Entirely delusional and in a dangerously selfish and risky way.

EDIT: Just realized I used mentally ill in my original post. That was incorrect and I changed it to crazy. You’re not wrong that the term mentally ill needs to be protected better from pejorative uses.



I don’t really care, I’ve been accused from this community of being a serial killer or mass shooter, or that my issues with depression are fake, this shit is so widespread, I just always feel it should be said.

I’d be willing to wager a large amount of my net worth that most of these people that believe ridiculous things do not meet requirements for an actual diagnosable mental illness, that’s all.


I think a lot of the older ones are just in significant amounts of cognitive decline. More people over 70 are probably moderately demented than aren’t… and brain washing works if you marinate in it long enough.

i mean a huge percentage of this country literally believes they are eating the body of christ when they take communion

people are just idiots and tend to believe things that confirm their biases

I agree, at the same time I have watched numerous people (like one of my brothers) with real diagnosed mental illness falling into some of these communities and getting harmed quite badly by it. When someone has bipolar disorder and is in the middle of a manic episode people egging them on (even unintentionally) are actually doing quite a bit of harm. Similarly if someone is having delusions of grandeur and those are getting fed by other people with delusions of grandeur really bad stuff can happen.

I think we’ve both done our fair share of cringing at how counterproductive ADHD support groups where all anybody does is bitch about how hopeless everything is and shout down anyone trying to actually be helpful as invalidating their struggles and/or trying to gatekeep being mentally ill to people who aren’t even trying to cope.

IDK I think the internet + mental illness is a bad combo honestly. It can be good if people get tips to manage from other sufferers, but that’s really the best use case I see for it. Most of the rest of the time it ends up being bad.

EDIT: Do you think your depression has been helped by the internet? I would argue it’s been made substantially worse lol. It certainly hasn’t helped mine at all.

I think that the network/socialization effects of the internet probably help depressed people more than the downsides

I guess. Access to 24/7 information hasn’t been great for me. I gravitate toward things that feed both my anxiety and depression.

Hoo boy

Only 23% of voters say Biden’s policies have helped them personally, while 53% say they have been hurt by the president’s agenda. By contrast, about half of voters say Trump’s policies when he was president helped them personally, more than the 37% who say they were hurt.

we fucked

no no, I’m told we’re actually doing great and biden’s actually done a lot

Might be time for better econometrics. You tend to be successful in the ways you measure.

Dems seem to have all their eggs in the “law will take care of this” basket. Since it has such a sterling record to this point.

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true - if hunter biden’s not still in jail, trump never will be!

our country’s future is riding on nimby’s that breathlessly read mueller she wrote posts

This should help


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Looks like she held a fundraiser. Let’s not hyperventilate about anything but the framing of the coverage.

We’re almost a year away from election day. Nothing happening right now will matter in November beyond the ways now led to then.

How many states have open primaries? Haley probably has a legit shot at those if enough dems vote.