ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ

This is 100% true actually. If America has a second obviously much more serious bout of fascism the history books will be incredibly unkind to the entire generation of political leadership that led up to it. They’re already going to look terrible, but yeah them causing the current version of the US government to collapse through stagnation and corruption wouldn’t be a wild stretch tbh.

And yes it’s real.


Danny, I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chambers. Didn’t want to do it, but fell I owed it to them.

Ohio votes on both abortion and marijuana tomorrow. I felt pretty confident on both until I just drove by my polling place. I’m in a rural, very red area. But the house right across the road from my polling place are Democrats and always have democratic signs displayed for election days. They have a Vote no on Issue 1 (abortion) sign out.

I’m in a left leaning swing area in PA, and I’ve only seen Republican signs this cycle. Not optimistic. That said, early turnout numbers I’ve seen on Xitter (if accurate) favor Dems.

My county which was historically republican prior to 2018 has very few R signs. There is an R in disguise running as an independent in a township commissioner race.

Lots of D signs for local offices and judges (for an off year).

Drove through part of pennsyltucky a couple of weeks ago. Very sparse signs of any kind.

Weird how judge are being selected in odd year elections. Just begging for misrepresentation. Ah that’s right

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Trumps superpower is turning out cousin fuckers in the country. Thanks to electoral college and idiotic senate composition, it works. WAAF. That said, I expect Dems to do well tomorrow, these inbred morons don’t show up unless Daddy is on the ballot.

The anti-abortion propaganda is just insane. You’ve gotta love that dark money groups face no consequences for running ads that outright lie and say shit like dems want to abort 3 month olds etc. Very cool system in which you can just spew bullshit and nothing happens.

Fuck it, fight fire with fire and start running ads about how Republicans got rid of Roe v Wade so they had more succulent babies to eat.

When they go low, we go lower.


I remain convinced you don’t want Ds entering a presidential election year thinking they got a lead to protect playing prevent defense.

Uncle Joe may be headed for retirement home now but come campaign time he is going to be like fucking pop eye coming off the ropes eating a can of spinach, legalizing weed and dunking on Putin with F16s.

“boomer not stepping aside for a position he’s long outlived” could be that generation’s swan song, I guess we deserve this somehow

Love the optimism, but WAAF.


King Douche Gavin Newsome would win like 375 electoral votes

Gladiator the movie really was the smartest political commentary of its era. If you can keep drooling illiterate masses entertained, you can take down an empire. First off, it was a banger of a movie but also it totally anticipated the Trump presidency.


Feel like Commodus reluctantly giving the thumbs up to Maximus is equivalent to Mitch giving the thumbs up to Trump after 1/6

Biden so old he’s not even a boomer though.

Lol, Fact Check: True

So good



What does $100,000 in gold bars look like? 1 gold bar?

It’s like a quarter of one of those gold bars in the picture.