ELECTIONS Thread: Menendez May Run Indy in NJ


LOL how the fuck do republicans lose in Kentucky.

Good Dem candidates can win lots of places that are viewed as red overall. The problem is we usually just run a lot of shit candidates.

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Yeah wtf, instead of funding longshot D senate challenges should have thousand people studying this

I don’t follow KY politics at all, what makes this Gov a good candidate?

He can get elected as a Democrat in Kentucky.

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Or Wasserman could call it for Beshear in 19 mins.


My 30 seconds of googling made it sound abortion was the primary issue? If some that gotta be :coolbiden:

I think we found riverman’s second account everyone


For those wondering how a Dem gets elected in Kentucky, some of his positions:

  • Pro life, but allowed a law to pass without his signature that babies born alive must be provided care (in other words, dodged a stupid debate over a made-up issue)
  • Moderate on guns - opposes assault weapons bans, supports red flag laws
  • For expanding Medicaid, for expanding ACA
  • Used his power to fire the entire state school board or something
  • Against “right to work” laws

So basically a moderate who uses his power on popular issues, and doesn’t seem to take the bait on Republican bullshit. Also a straight white Christian male with a well-known name in a Southern state, so he probably feels “safe” to a lot of right-leaners.


Imagine picking a black nominee as the GOP. It can’t be good for turnout in the racism party. They claim to like a right wing black person, but I think that’s bullshit. They say they voted for a black candidate the way I say I voted for Romney in 2012 in certain situations.

DDHQ joins Wasserman in calling it.


Your 2028 D nominee (2024 yolo?)

OH ballot measures look solid. Why aren’t Dems just running on right to abortions and legal marijuana nationwide? Are they afraid of winning 2024 in the largest landslide since Reagan?

Quite possibly.

Kinda surprised that abortion is running ahead of weed.

NYT has a mini-prediction thing on their front page for some races, they think both OH issues will pass.

So are the networks conspiring to call KY around the same time so they can milk it for more coverage?