Flub-A-Blub-Blub, 5 Billionaires in a Sub

Not to derail too far, but yeah I listen to his show everyday. Him being freed from ESPN’s control was the best thing ever for the show. Definitely GOAT “sports” radio/podcast.

His ability to tackle basically any topic better than mainstream media is incredible.

thanks, obama

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all in no

Define “found”

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Blowing an ungodly amount of money sending out search and rescue teams.

What government should even be responsible for this? It launched from Canada, it’s in international waters, and the passengers are 3 British, 1 French, and 1 Canadian. But for some reason the US government is supposed to be involved?

Plus, as the sub captain said, maybe they should have had a contingency plan here while they were on dry land with the sun shining?

Lucky for the entrapped, if they’re saved the government will pay for it. If it were poor people, the government would pay for it, but only after they went bankrupt trying to pay their share.

The US government is a wholly owned subsidiary of billionaires everywhere. Can’t let any of them die without spending all money possible to try to save them.

If we can help rescue some people, I’m all for it, regardless of nationality or whatever. But I just don’t understand why it was expected, to the point where there was criticism that we weren’t being responsive enough?

The head of King Charles’ charity is on the sub. What has the king personally done to rescue him? That’s the real question!

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People keep saying this has the makings of a disaster film, but that’s not what I’m seeing. This has the potential to be a Tony Award winner in the disaster theater category, a variation on Waiting for Godot with a few more people.

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Different version of what I was expressing here.

Do you think such a premise would hold water?


Why isn’t Musk on site? I’m often told he’s a genius. He did rescue this kids in Thailand.

Or so I’ve heard.

Are you suggesting such a show would be dead in the water? That’s hard for me to fathom.

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It was expected because they are billionaires. If they were poor people of color from a third world country the narrative would be about how we’re going to pay for it and how they never should have been on there in the first place.

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We could try a deep dive with a focus group and see if anything bubbles up. I suppose I shouldn’t submarine your idea before we see if it is seaworthy.


I think you all reading too much into narrative of them being billionaires so that’s why they trying to get rescued. Whether its the miners they drilled that huge ass tunnel to or the kids in the cave, human society has a pretty strong urge to attempt to save people whose life is in some sort of clear imminent danger with an obvious “clock ticking”.

How long do they continue searching for this sub after they have theoretically run out of oxygen? I’m sure there’s still a value to finding/recovering it, if possible, even once there is no possibility of life onboard. But what is the line gonna be on when they give up?

this isn’t even hypothetical, you can see exactly this happening every time a boat of migrants capsizes in the Mediterranean

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