Flub-A-Blub-Blub, 5 Billionaires in a Sub


This thread is kind of cringy and asphyxiating.

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Unless those people are poor. Then nobody cares.

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I agree, all these jokes are unseemly in such a life and depth situation.


I donā€™t know if I can take much more of this pressure to make fun of such a dire situation.


Perhaps, but I donā€™t think weā€™ve hit bottom yet.


I donā€™t know about that you guys are resorting to puns.

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Pretty sure the trapped miners in South America and the Thai soccer kids are poor compared to US standards. Just considering people wealth is a narrow view of human behavior.

The trapped in small location with a defined and limited supply of oxygen or food psychologically compels humans to action more than other types of situations.

ETA - even trapped animals will often have pretty substantial rescue efforts

So I had a vague memory of James Cameron going down to see the titanic wreck, and thought to myself I wonder how he did it. I doubt it was with this same company.

Sure enough, they were using way more advanced technology in the late 90s and early 2000s to explore this stuff. Who the fuck signs up to go down in this ridiculous submersible knowing the danger that was involved even using superior technology?

JFC, the more I learn about this, the more infuriating it all becomes. There was no exploration value to this, people had successfully already gone here over 20 years ago. They werenā€™t pushing risks to help make any sort of advancement, it was actually the opposite. They were using a completely inferior vessel than had been previously used. This all boils down to just another story of the supposed ā€œadvancementā€ being making something cheap and inferior to cut costs so you can make a profit. Itā€™s just another late stage capitalism tragedy.

This company was probably an embarrassment to the scientific community involved in real deep sea exploration and technological advancement in that area. While Iā€™m not happy about anyoneā€™s untimely demise, it is ultimately probably for the greater good that idiots like this fail in such a public and horrific fashion.


To be clear, I donā€™t actually hope that these people are dead or think that their demise is funny. But what would have happened if the globalist governments of the United States of Canada had swooped in last second to shut this whole operation down on grounds of it being an imminent danger to all involved? Thatā€™s your news story and the wingnuts affiliated with this company would be ranting about the miracles of private enterprise, perils of government regulation, and hijacking of your personal freedom. Hahaha j/k theyā€™re doing that anyway:

See also:

ā€œThe days of government funding are gone. It really needs to be a private enterprise, just as exploration was at the turn of the last century where people with means make the exploration possible.ā€

ā€”OceanGateā€™s CEO at the christening of the (currently missing) submersible Titan.



I imagine the owners and investors of other companies with incredible sunk costs waiting to launch their deep sea carbon coffins are absolutely seething right now. This literally set the ocean death adventure thrill ride industry back 111 years.


Briefing at 3 PM EST.

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Thanks for all the puns :slight_smile:

Sounds like it imploded, but Iā€™m not ready for the news that these poor guys are all dead to sink in.


Suzzer posted this letter on UP from the trade group of this business


Listen here skipper, they may have sunk a lot of loot into this three hour tour, but they didnā€™t dig deep enough to be poor.

Imploded is best case scenario at this point, no?

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