Flub-A-Blub-Blub, 5 Billionaires in a Sub

yeah you don’t get people glued to their TVs by telling them “they’re already dead” you get them by saying “WILL WE FIND SURVIVORS, STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT”, TV101

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So what was the whole, “banging every 30 minutes” thing? BREAKING NEWS - SOMEONE MAY STILL BE ALIVE ON THE TITANIC!?!?!?!?

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Probably just ghosts.

Orca trolls.


One of the reporters asking about recovering the bodies, yikes.

hopefully they’re asking the billionaire’s estate about that and not US taxpayers

Just get a cup of seawater is as good as anything else.

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Did reporters ask questions this dumb when the titanic sank? Like hey how are you gonna recover these bodies from the bottom of the ocean? Even if they did, it would be less stupid since there were actually bodies in that case.

James Cameron - now that I think of it, super qualified to comment here


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are we gonna get pics of this debris field or what

Had a feeling something like this was the case with the father/son duo. But the confirmation sucks. Way to get your son killed dumbass.


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For $250K, I know a company that’ll take you down to get a good look.


It’s been said to be a fully immersive and all-encapsulating experience.

The example being posted on Reddit is at that depth the implosion is like having the Eiffel Tower dropped on you from 8 feet above you.

like mama june stepping on your foot

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You know, say what you will about late stage capitalism, but billionaires are out there inventing their own guillotines. It’s not cost-effective but you’ve got to give them points for descending to new depths of creativity.


This whole story is so fucking stupid



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This is a new kind of Schrodinger’s cat situation. If five billionaires are on a sub and you heard it implode but you haven’t found the debris field yet, are they dead or alive?