Golf Thread: US Open at Pinehurst - RORY VS. ROIDS

What answer could he even give? It was a scummy move and he should be constantly called out for it.

The best answer is “we either made the deal or slowly bled out. I get how bad it looks and we are obviously hypocrites.”


I don’t think there’s any reason to believe that is true though. LIV had zero following and was failing. The PGA could only lose by agreeing to sellout, which they did.

Well sure, it’s not true, but it’s still his best answer. What’s the media gonna do, call him on it?


This absolutely is going to happen


The PGA may have been under a little pressure - one of the consequences of the LIV split, which was good for PGA players at least initially, was it put pressure on the tour to give quality of life concessions to the players. One of these was something like $150 million extra in purses for the year. Last I remember reading about it, no one was too sure where that money was going to come from.

The PGA is really a victim of itself and its decades long poor treatment of players. These guys are owned by the tour, are essentially employees of it, yet have to cover all their own costs and dont get paid unless they make it into the weekend. LIV existing at all was always going to be a threat to that model, regardless of how well LIV did or didn’t do.

what’s hilarious is if you think people hated fatrick reed before, just wait til after this merger LOL

Rory stanning for Jay is fucking pathetic.

He is going to make hundreds of millions more now, though.

The NLU discussion about Phil M is pretty good.

Whether it’s true or not who knows, but the chatter is that the Saudis were going to keep spending like crazy to keep pressuring the Tour to keep purses high, which was bleeding out the Tour because the sponsors didn’t want to spend more money.

LIV couldn’t beat them from a product standpoint, but the PIF was prepared to light billions on fire to wait them out

But, who knows if the chatter is true? It’s totally possible the answer was just that Monahan got a bag.

Yeah they’ll likely pay fines that sound huge to the casual fan but are a drop in the bucket compared to the bags they got. Then Rory etc will get their own (smaller) bags to shut the fuck up about it. Trump was right, going to LIV was 100% the smart move.

They’re all going to play for blood money and be sportswashers now, some of them just made more for it. Once they lost solidarity against it, it was a wrap. Fuck Phil, DJ, etc for breaking the dam. But clearly the good guys here got played like chumps.


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In this scenario (PIF just lighting money on fire to eventually bleed the PGA tour into submission), which seems pretty plausible, the defection of high-name players is so much more damaging to the PGA tour’s prospects of winning a war of attrition. If no big names jump ship, PGA tour really isn’t threatened. No one gives a shit about Charles Howel III or other guys in the twilight of their career. But when big name young prospects or guys near the peak start jumping, that puts so much more pressure on because that shifts the focus purely to money, and despite what Phil M claimed, the Tour clearly didn’t have untold billions in reserve to slug it out. The only plausible way to have prevented this seems to be what most people have been saying in doing a better job of listening to the players and figuring out ways to keep them happy. I’m still not even sure that would be possible with some of them, they seem like really spoiled, entitled d-bags.

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Bryson Dechambeau is an insufferable tool.

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don’t worry, his 30’s are gonna hit him pretty damn hard the way that he swings and trains


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i legit dont know who to root for

Rooting for it all to be a complete disaster is the only path forward.

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